90% of diamond games lose due to healing

Its actually tragic, but with ana being “must” pick things are even a gazillion times worse. I mean almost no one can actually play ana in diamond. The healing ratio between teams most games are probably close to 1:3 or even 1:4 it is an absolute joke. Either nerf the healing or make dps stronger so games are not lost every time one team has superior supports.

better players win, thats what all of that boils down to. Learn to play support I’d say. We do not need DPS buff in already DPS prevalent game, everyone complains about lack of tanks and supports, and you show up asking status quo to get skewed even more toward DPS?! Jesus christ, maybe think at least once about what you’re actually asking for.


Supposed to be an FPS game, instead of casual mess. Games are super boring when they are decided by supports, if anything rework them or make them easier to play than. Cause I can tell you, mercy is probably the most effective healer for 99% of the people picking supports in anything below masters/GM. I do not rly care as long as your team is not useless cause of bad support. And yes I can play support, very well in fact but do you know what happens when people get god like healing? they think its all them and they think they are immortal and start overextending and throwing your net gain stays the same. So yes, rather just have games being more carriable on dps thanks.

Yea let’s remove all healers and tanks from the game. LOL . L2p and stop flooding forums with stupid stuff.


Why not? Legit be more enjoying.

There are so many games out there with no healers and no tanks. It would be pretty stupid to make OW more like the rest when clearly many people are attracted by it’s otherness. Want to play an OP sniper that disregards team work, proper awareness and nuanced cooldown usage - yeah, you can play Widow. Or just go play CS.


You actually need alot of awareness and team work is totally required in order to play widow, you don’t have any idea what you are talking about. When you take a shot with the widowmaker everyone in the opposite team knows your location and they can either avoid your line of sight (and force you to move in a more uncomfortable spot ) or simply dive and kill you , and if you don’t know how to reposition properly you are pretty much a sitting duck. Also you need a ton of mechanical skill as widow .

I know multiple people that can play ana in diamond.

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I can understand your point if you are saying supports OVERALL are overpowered.
That could be a topic to actually discuss. Supports in Overwatch are extremely powerful.

However, the supports are NOT overpowered when compared to each other.

If you are dealing with somebody that’s being pocketed (for example, a pharmacy), literally pick widow or hanzo.

First people complain how supports can’t carry and now they do too much? Come on make up your mind.
In my opinion it’s okay Overwatch is a team game if you can support your team you should win.

Do you read? I am a god at support, but people tend to throw when I do coz they get overconfident. Its just annoying how much weight healing has in this game, I mean it is the only reson 4 dps comps are even viable in the first place. Slightly hero X being broken as well I guess, their are a few cough doom cough but still does not change the fact healing is outrageous as well.

Doomfist is not overpowered. He’s buggy sometimes, but definitely not OP. You have to read his movements to counter him.

“sure” thing buddy. Seen him take a dump on whole teams without any amazing ult combos far to many times to claim nothing but that he is OP. Seemingly out of nowhere he can just completely trash everything at all ranks of play. Its the equivalent of widow popping six heads, only the effort and bar requirements are far, far lower and more consistent.

you should decide, whether godlike supports win games or lose them.

Specifically said crap healing compared to decent healing/good healing loses games, not anything about insane healing carrying games, just that having sub to non healing versus healing makes a huge difference. You are the one seemingly confusing things in your micro-blender up top.

i’m a god at healing.

yeah sure you are kid pats head. People throw when you play support, maybe because you;re just bad?

4 dps comps are not viable outside of qp memeing

doom also cannot trash all ranks of play, because not all ranks of play can actually play him.

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He is available for all ranks of to play him. Also I am sure there are players at all ranks able to play him for sure, if not they could learn, and gain good amount of SR.

Lower ranks cannot effectively play some heroes, this is basic knowledge, Doom is one of those heroes

Anyone can learn, and if they do they can advance, that is called progressing, there are no in game mechnics restricting them from playing doom hence doom can dominate any bracket. Ez logic.


You clearly can’t and don’t learn.

what’s also clear is that you have no idea what you’re doing or talking about, which proves my point that you’re bronze.

Df doesn’t play like normal heroes, but hey one day, you’ll figure that out