A few weeks on, would you stick with role Q or revert?

Just curious which way this forum leans regarding this

Vote away

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Kind of surprising results so far, 80% in favor of keeping role lock. I thought it would be a little closer, like 60-40.

I’m also the only voter outside the EU!

Speaking as someone who’s uninstalled the game because 8 minute queues for 5 minute games is a bit of joke, you might have some survivor bias there.

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Possibly, I never minded solo-healing until the team complained I was not healing when I had to heal all 5 and so forth but rarely got that.

Though lets face it, have 5 lock DPS and them all shouting for anyone else to be healer is a joke but have seen a full dps team win by a land-slide a few times actually.

But understandable being a TEAM BASED GAME that more than one person needs to be a team player. Not really anyone’s fault that DPS is too fun to play leading to the high ques, rare I seen a DPS want to cancel the search and pick healer/tank instead but is the fault of the dev’s for nerfing tank and supports to where they are squishy and not fun to play as, specially when ignored by their team and then keeping DPS’s the same or even stronger.

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I voted for role queue even though my SR has plummeted from mid plat to high gold/ low plat since role queue was added

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19 votes? Like every single one of the poor people who voted there matters, rofl

tbh I’ve gotten to a point with Overwatch where idgas about my SR anymore. I only play the game for fun and if it’s not fun I stop playing. The thing is when a game can’t fix it’s mm and sr brackets 3 years after launch, is it simply pointless stressing over it, from the player side.

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Yes i agree - i’ve been trying to become more chill over my sr but when i’m constantly competing with friends it’s difficult not to stress over it

I find the game fun anyways though

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In a nutshell,

-It’s been 3.5 years since launch,
-Blizzard is still constantly rebalancing heroes every few months since launch,
-The match making is still not working as it should all the time
-SR brackets aren’t precise enough, players finding themselves playing with others way outside their rank

Why should I, a solo player, stress over a virtual number they assign to me when they can’t get their s*** together after all this time? It’s futile and a complete waste of energy on our parts to stress over that stuff.

If we were pros, getting paid millions in OWL I would understand but when we’re casual gamers playing for a good time, that’s what we should focus on, having a good time and not worrying over numbers and wins/losses. I know, it’s easier said than done but that’s the mentality I’ve taken to keep me playing otherwise I would have quit by now if I took it too seriously.

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Yeah but you’re aware that you’re at your rank because it’s your level right?

as a direct result of the role Q, the amount of games per player have dropped drastically (overbuff data aswell as general polls NA forums). This is a bad trend.
Personaly i play 2 games a day rather then the 30+ i qued for before the 2-2-2. The current locks hinder any flexibilty and adaptation depending on map. Instead i can only play 1 role for a whole map, so i rather be damn sure i want to play that (on a randomized mappick). It really removes and disables the possibilities that was overwatch.

ngl, on a lot of games I do miss the ability to switch to another role. Like if I’m tanking and our DPS just can’t deal with the enemy Widow. I used to switch to Tracer in the past and flank her and take her out. It would feel good when it worked and won us the match, I’m sure everyone knows that feeling.

The question that every Overwatch player has now been presented by the game is which matters more for us? The ability to flex on the fly, the old way, or for the game to have consistent balanced team compositions in every game moving forward, but without cross-role flexing.

Honestly I think my feelings at this point reflect most polls I’ve seen on the topic. I would say around a 1/3 of me misses flex play, whereas 2/3 of me appreciates and prefers role q.

Maybe, maybe not. There’s a lot of factors that go in to that. We can’t make such a blanket statement for all players. Some really are being held back maybe due to solo play, lack of good comms, etc. Others might be carried and are at a higher elo than they should be, and so on. It’s different for everyone.

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God, I’d revert in a heart-beat.
Totally ruined the fun. :frowning:
If the idea was to make game bland and boring, then they’ve achieved it.
If not, well, revert it!

Poll update: 34 votes

  • 62% in favor of role q
  • 38% in favor of a revert

This is more what I was expecting.

I feel like this poll can be abused, because you can vote more than once?

Anyway, it feels like since the role queue was introduced, the quality of matches have dropped. I feel like the DPS are often terrible and the tanks/supports have to carry them. I also feel like more games are either an absolute cake walk or an impossible mission, meaning that the teams feel poorly balanced against each other. Overall my rank is basically where it was before, but the individual matches feel less even. I’ve been told this is all an issue with the way the ranking system is done now. I had hope that they’d have fixed things by now. I may be imagining this, as I have no proof. It’s just a feeling, but from my perspective, the game has become less fun and I’ve cut my play time accordingly.

I like even, quality matches. Not easy as pie or hard as nails.

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It only registers one vote per IP I think. I tested it on day 1 by voting multiple times to check and it only showed 1 vote. You can try it yourself. It’s 34 votes, if you vote again, it will still show 34.

You and me both. I’ve lost hope of this game ever being properly balanced. It will continue like this until Overwatch 2 comes out.

Same. Just remember it was never even and balanced before role q either. That has more to do with the mm and sr bracket issues, rather than just having 2 tanks, 2 healers and 2 dps on the team.

That might be true, and I may be imagining things, but I swear that the quality of the games has noticeably dropped since role queue was introduced. I don’t make that claim lightly. I do feel it’s true though, at least from my perspective. I’m happy if other people feel like the matches are higher quality now, and perhaps from a DPS’s perspective it is, but from my perspective the opposite is true.

It might be interesting to see if there’s a connection between which roles people play and if they enjoy the change or not.


I’m sure there is a correlation. I mean imagine if all you like playing is DPS all the time. 10 minute queues, and sometimes the game is cancelled just as you join, wasting people’s time, and Blizzard being the geniuses they are cancel the entire match instead of just finding a new player to fill the empty spot.

Nah, it has been proven than when you play enough games you end up at your rank/level.