A penny for my thoughts

This might be a wild idea, just hear me out: How about if we only allow people with more than 1 rank endorsment in competitive. Why? Most bots have rank 1 endorsment so do toxic players. You can easily get your endorsment up from costum games and QP. If people do bots they gotta make the hassle to get their endorsment up every once a while, now they can just let the bot play all the time. And toxic people got time to reflect on costum games and will think twice before being toxic again.
Downside is five man premade, so only a five man premade with 1 rank endorsment should be allowed. Even premades of four will get endorsments from the randoms if they playing properly.

A bonus: people who smurf rarely get endorsments from their team. Same for ‘suspicious’ cheaters.

I get the idea. But the endorsement system would need a full rework.

What is now is meaningless. As you said it is easy to farm.

I think the endorsment system can stay as it is. It’s not the idea to collect endorsment it’s the idea to get ‘normal’ people playing competitive. And I think endorsment is a great indicator. Even people who play terribly bad but you saw they really put effort to win, they get endorsement etc…

As long as you’ve shown competence playing the game, then that’s all you need.

And you need that to get 50 wins.

The endorsement system isn’t going to be much help. Especially when it changes to let you endorse friends (if they haven’t already added that).

I certainly think the just 50 wins thing could be tweaked. Maybe 30/40 wins per role, to then unlock that role in ranked. But then again its 8-10 hours of games minimum, if you can’t gain some level of competence in that time, something is up.

I did quite like the endorsement system, but not the biggest fan of it now. It could use with some tweaks to make it better. For example, endorsements go down so easily, which kind of sucks.

Not sure if I get this correct. You saying that at the moment people who wanna play ranks need to win 50 times in QP/costum games? If that is the case most people can just buy accounts or pay others to play those 50 wins for them. However it does make sense that if you wanna queue as tank in comp, you need to win x amount games as tank in QP. That is a valid point. But we digress, My idea is to prevent bots and toxic players. And I really got the idea that prohibiting rank 1 endorsments from it, will significally improve comp play. Even if they can get their endorsment quick up, that time they need to invest is time not spend on comp. Also at x amount trying to get their endorsment up, one will either say f-it or stop being toxic.

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QP, arcade yes.

That almost certainly happens in rare cases. But changing mobile numbers is a pain, and most sellers claim the account back to scam the buyer

Which is a noble cause. But if someone decides that today they are the edge lord, nothing any one can do about it. There will be no systems that can prevent a human decision to be a plank. The endorsement system was the right theory for rating people, but people either ignored voting, or just did it randomly for xp and now it just means nothing.

What you are saying is cause the voting system has no value atm this idea wouldn’t work. Many times I encountered the bots in comp have rank 1 endorsment. I even wanna say 100% of the times. Sometimes you encounter the same bots after a few other games. If you lucky they in the enemy team but still that win doesn’t feel like a win. So yeah, if Blizz restricts rank1 endorsments from playing comp this will not happen again. Or at least you might only encounter them once instead of multiple times at the same day. Also when people know that rank 1 endorsments are prohibited many will implement endorsment voting as a regular habit. Everybody who enjoys comp hates bots so it’s in their own favor. Since endorsments don’t really mean anything atm most people neglect it but once it has value again like preventing bots …

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