Ability to pin ingame text chat so that we can report Post match

Ability to pin ingame text chat so that we can report Post match.

Reporting with reasons is time wasting during a match. Text chat is limited if many people are typing/changing heros/displaying ingame notifications, so you may lose what you wanted to report.


They ask that you report it when it appears as the system records a snap shot around the time of the report.

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I report user actions straight away, like if they throw themselves off a cliff or sit AFK in spawn for that reason.

User text I generally report outside of the match as it’s written there what they said.

Good. Then you’ve done as the requested.

Needs to be reported at the time, or to quote them directly “Remember, when you report a player as being abusive in either text or voice chat as soon as possible, it’s easier for our system to better identify that player’s disruptive behavior”

“Your reports make a difference! If you encounter disruptive voice chat, please report it as quickly as possible, as this increases the likelihood that the disruptive voice chat is captured, transcribed, confirmed, and appropriately actioned.”

There’s a few more times too.

I know, it was part of their comms?

Already do that…

I report it when I can to not affect the match… it’s in text format so it doesn’t need to be transcribed.

They won’t get the snap shot then. So the so called AI system won’t have anything to check against.

Just worth noting if you really want someone actioned in game.

Any evidence of that? The text is literally there to be seen.

“Remember, when you report a player as being abusive in either text or voice chat as soon as possible, it’s easier for our system to better identify that player’s disruptive behavior”

No where does it say that “it won’t get the snap shot then” if I wait until the second round warm up/end of the match.

“Your reports make a difference! If you encounter disruptive voice chat, please report it as quickly as possible, as this increases the likelihood that the disruptive voice chat is captured, transcribed, confirmed, and appropriately actioned.”

Make sure you report as it happens!

I already do. I already said that I do above. Why are you repeating this?

Not after the game silly. They want it in the moment.

It stores data for 30 days, and storing that data is going to be expensive. Last thing you need is empty data wasting the systems time.

Better input, better output.

They’re talking about Voice Chat, silly.

Read their comms slowly. Respond better on the forums.

Indeed. Works for both though. Remember to report as soon as it happens!

You can report after the match too, you can report 16 hours later too, it works for those scenarios too… what is your point on the below? They only want voice chat there and then if possible, they don’t necessarily need text chat “in the moment”.

You need to start reading slowly and digesting what you’re reading before responding on these forums. You really show yourself up.

They want it in the moment so it captures data.

After the even it just tags as match reported, but no data to cross reference.

Honestly, the should remove the ability to report after the event. It helps no one.

Only voice chat they want in the moment. Are you okay?

Evidence of this? I don’t recall this in their comms.

Evidence of this? I don’t recall this in their comms either.

It’s in the news stories.

I don’t think he quite gets it Bubbles :sweat_smile:

I spent a few mins seaching via google using the terms you’ve used and not found anything.

Going to assume these are lies at this stage.

Indeed. Claims they want reports “in the moment”, yet that particular comms relates to voice chat, yet he keep banging on about them wanting the text chat reports “in the moment” too.

I reckon he’s also lying about the “news stories”, I did give him the benefit of the doubt and tried researching his statements but nothing came back - as expected tbh.

Assume what you like.

“The text file is then analyzed for disruptive behavior by our chat review tools.”

“it’s quickly deleted as the file’s sole purpose is to identify potentially disruptive behavior. The text file is then deleted no later than 30 days after the audio transcription.”

Later confirmed in a twitter q&a that it operates the same for audio and text, except for audio it has to transcribe it into a text file (text is already in said format), then the AI can determine what’s gone on.

“This means you should report disruptive behavior as it’s occurring in-game to give us the best chance at detecting, catching, and preventing disruptive players.”

You googled it, that was the first mistake. I said it was in the news stories. (There’s a news section on the website)

Ppl are getting banned for saying “Lifeeater” when LW pulls them into the abyss. And you want to pin point that to further report and add salt to the injury?!!

Capable players will get pissed off at noob actions, I get criticized for noob actions. You gotta HTFU and grow a thicker skin if you are playing competetive multiplayer games.

Cheating, afk, jumping off a cliff are a different topic, respectively.