Account ban from GPU failure

Hello people

Wonder if anyone or mod can shed light on what has happened to my overwatch account

I have had an account ban, probably because of the following issues

My Gpu has been having intermittent crashing, this will happen at any point whilst i am doing anything on my pc.
When the GPU crashes, my system still runs normally in the back ground however.

I have had a pc crash on multiple occasions whilst playing an Overwatch game

I can only assume this is what caused my account ban, either by players or the system reporting me.

I do not use the chat abusively
I do not use the chat to be toxic in any form
I do my best to ignore other that are being disrespectful or harmful

I do not cheat in any form

Whilst I should’ve understood earlier, that playing games with a failing Gpu is a bad idea. I would like to think something can be done about this situation, or if blizzard has dealt with anything similar.

I have played since 2016… never had a ban before. This is so disheartening


Funny thing got ban yesterday aswell(2nd account).
Same thing no warnings through all history(maybe once ingame not sure if its this acc) on this account and instant closure with:
" Recent activity on this account has shown various and continued actions deemed inappropriate for Overwatch. These actions violate our [Code of Conduct]) and create an unacceptable detriment to our players."

But i do had 2 or 3 crashes with GPU aswell without being able to recconect fast enough(latest was like week ago maybe). Could be the case but super weird getting perma/acc closure for that.

Sadly you won’t get any help here. You need to appeal and persist with so many tickets one after another through their Customer support. Good luck, as I’m in the same boat for an extremely false ban. All of the responses are automated AI generated text and don’t help at all. Blizzard need to sort their appalling customer service out

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GPU driver update recently?

Maybe the software is interfering with something, the games anti cheat then kicks and and sucker punches you out of the game.

Yeah… wasnt there some problem with some mouse or keyboard driver/sofware that trigger the anti-cheat? Had to do with macros or something? Meanwhile the real cheaters go under the radar :S

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Yeah, always a risk updating drivers immediately.

I thought it was just me, but after 2-3 days i just came to check the forum, but it seems there are MULTIPLE bans for weird/unknown reasons. The exact samething happened to me aswell. And i have not recieved reason why i am also perma banned. and been playing since 2016.

I myself is also someone who never use chat abusively, or used any sort of cheats ingame. Unlike you, my GPU was working perfectly fine, but i do not know the reason why it came to this conclusion and the tickets responses are kinda pointless and not helpful. It is very sad to see this.

fyi, i never posted/replied on the forum before but i dont think i can sit still and not say a word now.

I also like to note that i updated my nvidia graphics driver on 10th January 2025. And on 11th January 2025, i received the mail for the ban. Additionally, i also like to note that i havnt played overwatch for more than 1 month before this driver update.

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I think we’ve found the cause.

Hopefully appeals and stuff get your account back!

To anyone else. Don’t update your drivers!! (Or do if you think the games rigged or any of those theories, you deserve it)

Never seen a GPU crashing causing a ban. Like those 2 things are 100% unrelated.
You can get suspended from the queues for DC for sure but ban? Nah, thats cheating or VC/Chat usage.

It’ll be the software that comes with the GPU triggering the anti cheat as it deems it to be interfering with the game.

It’s happened before, and also with peripherals as the above said.

I suspect the GPU failing is a coincidental event, also tied to the driver updates.

Real GM answers and ban stays, he didn’t describe the real reason, didn’t say something new. So basically i don’t know what i am banned for and scared to play on my 2nd account.

To clarify i’m on AMD not NVIDIA, only single option enabled in software is Anti-lag(which is recommended for FPS WHICH is already caused bans in different games with false anti-cheat programs triggering)

Wish they were more open with bans reasons.

Play on it. If it happens again, you know it’s software triggering the anti cheat and have ammo to fire back at them to get unbanned.

I think we can all agree with you on that one. Sadly, we all signed the agreement that says they can remove access for any or no reason and don’t have to explain it.

So unless they change that eula and make everyone reaggree to it, we’re stuffed.


After more “resolved” tickets, I finally got a tangable reason for being banned.
Apparently for violating terms, as described by others.

never in my life have I cheated in this game. I find this game very fair, highly punisihing if you don’t play right and no game sense, I LOVE THIS GAME! sadly not anymore

New account got locked too. After ticket submission the lock has been reviewed and removed… but they still can’t do anything about the original account? GM said the review of ban was indeed thorough, whilst they may have been attentive to claims I doubt the right set of eyes were reviewing me. I have yet to recieve information as to what exactly was bannable other than cheating and violation.

when people talk of false positives, this is one. from my core, this is wrong and unjustified. I need to know what I cheated on…

At the end of the day, I understand (as mentioned above) that I will never retrieve this account, unless something departmentally changes…

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It won’t be because of cheating then. But something on your machine is triggering it if it’s taken out your new account too.

I’d revert to an older GPU driver and go from there.

This happened to me too! I have had my account since 2018 and never had any previous punishment or mute or suspension. I also had issues with my GPU. I was getting a “Rendering device lost error” around the time of that update and on January 29th I got the email saying my account was closed. They didnt tell me why and refused my appeals. I requested my GDPR data file from them and the ban was under restrictions as “cheating”. I have never ever cheated. Im convinced this is what is happening to people. I even submitted a ticket about the crashes when it was happening as i didnt know how to solve it but it just went away on its own.

Support wont hear any of it though. It’s so frustrating.

Welcome to the club. I have write this for other topic, but is the same for you.

"“In the end, the system is neutral. It looks at matches reported (not the total number of reports) and if you hit a certain number over a period of time, you’re in trouble.”

If this is true, and I’m not sure, then it’s good because people themselves decide who they want to play with or not. This is a form of natural selection, and those who are disliked, even if they haven’t done anything wrong, get kicked out of the game.

Yes, this might lead to a smaller group of people and a smaller player base, but for those who remain, it will be fun because they’ll have chosen their environment.

And this is an approach, and not a bad one. Even if you curse constantly, if the people around you approve of it, everything is fine and you won’t get banned.

As far as I can see, the idea of support is to cater to people and not lift the ban even if you haven’t said anything bad, which makes the Ban Appeal almost meaningless and overall a frustrating experience. It would have made more sense to simply remove it as an option.

I couldn’t say that AI monitoring certain things would be a better approach, or that the community should decide who to play with on their own. Both approaches have their pros and cons."

So there is no justice in this, don’t look for it. You will not find it in this game.