Account boosting for money

I just met three fine people in competitive overwatch. They admitted having over 50 accounts thay they play on, boosting them to high rank to sell them for money. I reckon blizzard would like to take a deeper look at this? Would you care about this or is this OK behaviour? I’m not sure if this is the right forum tho, is there somewhere else I should report this?

Here are the accounts in question: fe4r3d#1517 alleksh#21767 panamonn#2595

That is something that you can report mid game. That way it’ll be easier for blizzard to find the chat logs and investigate the matter.

Can’t wait the entire game, the management, and development moves to MS.
We can’t trust Blizzard.

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Why would Microsoft change anything.

The same systems are in place in Halo. Account boosting and cheating are more prevalent in Halo as a % of player base.

The only thing that will change is the platform its played on (moving to game pass), and the potential for collaboration skins.

Why wouldn’t they?

Overwatch smashed all gaming records when it came out, and gradually by mis-management + eventual lack of content, then a flawed release of OW2 (which returned a good playercount) and a pack of lies over PVE, the playercount is falling month on month.

It’s in their best interest to make this game work.

Halo on the otherhand is old, and has a very low playercount. They’re literally sustaining an old game similiar to the discussion on Game Pass Tracker on 𝕏 a couple of days ago with Phil, so you can expect a level of ‘same system’.

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Either they make it work, or just delete it for wasting money.

Wouldn’t be the worst idea. Then they can bring back Overwatch as it was before they shut it down :eyes:

What records did it smash?

As long as it’s profitable, it’s “working”. Not sure what people think Microsoft are going to do… Their track record is just as mid as blizzards.

Every games player count drops over time. Not sure this is the criticism you think it is.

Given that they’ve said they plan to move forward and not look backwards… This is probably something you should forget about and focus on bringing positivity to your gaming experiences, whatever you play.

You’ll know if you were around at the time. It was their best active user count during beta, some investing many hours into the beta, their best most successful IP, and their fastest game to reach 15, and 25 mill players - revenue also at the time were in the records.

You probably wouldn’t know to be fair, don’t worry about it.

It’s enough to be announced in the Blizzard comms. It’s very noticeable in the steam player counts - ranked 56 at the moment. Reviews are very negative on there. I wouldn’t say it’s normal for comms for detail this if it isn’t significant.

“I do think with game pass, we do have the ability to pick a couple of franchises every year and almost do a ‘revisited’.” “If teams want to go back and revisit some of the things we have and do a full focus on it, I’m going to be all in”

I am being positive that they bring back the original Overwatch.

If a big company decides that an ip is just wasting money, they will bin it and forget it existed.
So i’m hoping they’ll keep supporting what we have now instead of being rid of it all.

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Sadly I think we’re at a point where some just can’t let go of the past and move on.

They might fondly remember something as being better (even when it might not of been) and if the current option isn’t bringing them that joy they crave, they convince themselves that the “good old days” are what they need.

At some point, the rest of the community is just going to have to ignore them. Hopefully that day comes soon.

Is that actually going to happen? I hope so!


Xbox is who the Blizzard management directly report to, but they have almost full autonomy. As reported when the deal was confirmed last year.

Whoever replaces Bobby in the new year reports to Phil Spencer