Account Closure? Why :(

Any chance you have another account you play? Like account for playing with friends/ smurf?
Got exaclty the same acc closure yesterday(no penalties/warnings etc) and only thought come to mind is “smurfing” (which in my case only playing with my only friend on same rank level not even winning that much).

Ticket opened aswell.

Nope, was playing with my sister, in AI alone or in Custom Games alone. Their support system is purely automated AI responses now I don’t know how to get through to a human

As you play on xbox, do you use or have ever used Mouse Keyboad xim/cronus? or did you recently grouped up with someone who did? as this is considered cheating boosting

Nope. Me and my sister are controller only, completely disagree with xim to the point we sent tickets to Microsoft to ban it. Would never xim in my life

Well if you live in London , easy visit their office. Activision Blizzard UK Ltd, The Ampersand Building, 178 Wardour Street, London, W1F 8FY, United Kingdom

If you can not, contact customer support again, say that you want to know reasons why you were banned. And they need provide evidence. If you cheated for e.g. - you can not do anything, but if it is other things, under EU and UK law you can demand money refund because you spend money and they are denying product that you paid for.

Say that you will contact local authorities, not sure where to for UK but for EU it is easy to fill a form and they solve it. But first you must contact customer support and ask answers also questions, but provide your side of story.

I’ve asked, and every time it’s an automated response saying it’s been reviewed and being upheld. They won’t tell me, I’ve had 3 different reasons chucked at me and but never cheating

download GDPR data, you can see penalties are reasons why

I have it, there’s nothing there. Only 1 ‘Generic Ban’ and I’ve seen online it’s due to mass reports.