Account MMR too high please help?

Hello, I’m a relatively new player, only playing a bit of Overwatch 1 where I was Plat. I just tried Comp for the first time in Overwatch 2 today and all my games have been against Masters and GrandMasters players? It’s been a terrible time, even my quick play is stuck in this elo bracket. I’ve lost nearly every game and have had teammates being very mean to me.

Have I done something weird to my account I’m very confused? I haven’t played with anyone, I don’t do well in my games and the MMR doesn’t seem to go down with all my losses. I was having a good time until this sudden increase in the lobbies I’m going in. Can anyone help? Is this normal and will my MMR go down eventually? Thanks guys :slight_smile:

Just keep grinding through it. It will settle. Mine was in silver lobbies for about 20 games, then suddenly I got Master and GM players. I would say, ignore the tags under peoples names. They seem to mean absolutely nothing for what role they are playing.

Maybe duo with someone you know is a bit rubbish, then you will have a lower average when you queue.

Thanks for the reply, I hope it will settle. Not sure I can keep playing if not :confused: