Account Permanent Ban

Hi all,

My Overwatch account has been permanently close because “inappropriate communication”.

I have done fair amount appeals; all have been rejected.

Did anyone manage to resolve this situation, and did it involve legal authorities?

All advice and information would be very much appreciated.

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Given your posts on here. It wouldn’t surprise me if it is correct.

If it is comms, you will not get that overturned.

There isn’t a single law that will help you.

Their rules need looking at. The report system can get abused easily, and non offensive words can get you actioned.

Someone on this forum was banned on another account, and continues to act the same way but still hasn’t been banned. It’s weird tbh.


I think the phrase they used in their update on this was “irrespective of language used”.

I don’t expect you to understand the power of language. But you don’t need to use profanities to be deeply offensive, rude, or disruptive.

How many names have u change in past 7 years troll? Or should I say accounts?

I ask for advice, and you come up with this comment.

BTW FYI I found legal representative. One thing is COC and TOS, and another is LAW and consumer rights!

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I’ve had a few. We’ve played together a good few times. Your streams used to be chill.

Something changed in your attitude. If you’re reacting this way here. In game, I wonder who you’ve become.

Good luck.

Far too many… :joy:

BTW, There are legal ways, but this is a video game, lets not encourage BS.

If I called someone an absolute NAME, he probably deservered it but I deserved the ban for not able to keep my nerves in check. This is OW.

Mass reporting is a thing, yes, it is abused by stacks, yes. No one can abuse you if you never say anything. Is it fair, no! Though my older brother thought me a life lesson “never become a victim”.

You limit communication this way btw, everyone is afraid to say anything. I do take a few risks though. I claim to be a leader, so I have to. We are talking about comp games btw, I dont care about QP. I encourage my team to speak up in a constructive manner if they have an idea. I ask them if they have a plan at the begining, and curate their response according to the plan, or mine if they dont have any.

The worst thing I said lately was “That will cost us the point mei”, when Mei walled of our ults that would have won us the 1st point.

She probably wanted to block off the enemy team, while not counting ults. I didnt said that to make her feel bad, or guilty, just aware of the gravity of the situation. Mei understood, a true marine. Wasnt a malicious player, switched to Soldier (we excanged more plans) we got the next 2 points rapidly, switched back to Mei when the situation allowed to fully support her Mei shenanigans. 3-1 Win. Gets my Endorsment, I like ingame growth and flexibility. This is an obvious risk I took, some criticism needs to be allowed OK, not everything is toxic. And you know what I dont mind the player decide, I need to communicate the criticism as a leader not as an a** hat.

Continious bashing on ppl, and I get this alot from stacks, being behind report protection, is what is toxic. I just ignore this nowadays. Or going ape s**t altogether, is a no brainer anyway.

That being said, Roku, I apologize for antagonizing you 2-3 weeks ago. Not my most mature or proud self. I hope you can forgive me over time. I know I wont.

Good job the system doesn’t work in such a way that mass reporting by a stack does as thing then.


You can argue all day and night whether it is good or bad. But one thing it is is fair.

It treats everyone the same. Fair doesn’t mean good or bad.

In the nicest way possible, I didn’t care then, why would I care now lol.

Awww you are a cutie deep inside, arent you :heart:

People get annoyed with me on here all the time. No once has it bothered me. We are all just strangers.

Oh yes thats true, anonymity is one of the greatest blessings and at the same time curses of the internet.

But I think you have your heart in the right place. Not that my opinion matters… its the internet.

There is no harm in disagreement. I just laugh at the people who can’t process that and just name call and insult. They are my favourite.