Compared to all the metrics currently visible this one is the most informative to gauge gameplay flow.
All that’ll do is fuel flaming.
Personally, other players stats shouldn’t be visible til after the match in the match report.
Stats don’t win games. Focus on doing what you need to win. If you’re worried about if you’re being healed, you’re probably over feeding for the match.
I thought about this too alot.
During the Match → Roku is right, it would just be another source of Toxicity.
But something like detailed healing distribution stats would be nice after match.
So i could see if i ignored anyone to improve my awareness.
GL & HF !
Great idea! and I don’t think it would fuel flaming, the tank is already getting flamed while getting focused on and nuked while your team mates are running like headless chicken. At most it would direct it in the right direction.
“Stay with us Rein” — > each flies in his own direction and you’re alone on the objective.
they all die
“Stay with us Rein”
The problem is “superstar syndrome”. I’m still working on the name, but everyone is playing solo regardless of role (with that rare Mercy exception who’s just beast) and forgets this is a team game. I see this problem in WoW battlegrounds as well.
Everyone focused on being the match / bg’s top player and just ignores the entire game completely including whatever the objective of that match is (capture the flag, carry payload, etc), is focused on kills and kills alone but just dies a lot, and even when he’s 2 - 15 he doesn’t give up and join the squad.
Keeps trying to sneak around, to catch people offguard, to outsmart them with something everyone like him does, and just dies.
It’s part of the LFR / Random Queue plague that I don’t think will ever have a fix and it goes all the way to Hero pick where everyone picks a hero they think will give them best kill count or fills their Hero fantasy, not one that works best with the rest of the team.
Or worse, they feel like “roleplaying”
We need mechanisms like a scoreboard and penalties for fulfilling (or not) your role within the team and objective of the match.