All have to know what game they're playing - BANNED but they don't know why

Well I just got suspended for an hour for not playing the blame game. Whole team flunking and I will be honest I didn’t perform either. But when a team teams up on you and claim you are grieving while not. It is not fair to suspend a person. Especially if stats can show that someone is working. Second in DMG.

Truly a situation where toxic community wins.

if you didnot care you would not had written this wall of text .


Hold on, just going to go throw around some profanities at people in game.

Will return once banned to complain about it.


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My friend did this on a new account to see how long it too get actioned.

He was given a 2 week silence before account level 9.

This is also proof to all those out there that cry when they get banned because they think it was 1 thing… no, you were being a prat repeatedly for many many games. You get actioned because you show a pattern of behaviour.


30 days ban means repeated offenses. What did you do? :hushed:

Maybe dont be a toxic boy.

Your “banter” is only funny to you.

And as 18th said, repeat offences… you are as I stated above. Showing a pattern of behaviour and unable to learn from your mistakes.

Next one will be an account closure for you.

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3 month suspensions aren’t a thing. If you’ve got up to 30 days being toxic. Then they’ll just give up on you as a lost cause and perma ban.

But you’ve spent a long time showing the type of person you are, and this last post just confirms everyone’s suspicions.

Also, nice misuse of snowflakes. Insulting someone, then calling them a “snowflake” when they just get sick of rubbish like that is misusing the term.


all they’re doing is shrinking their already and ever ailing player base by doing it though

soon people will be waiting hours for a match lol

How many players are there??

Yes it is.

This is so rich coming from you though. I mean you even changed account, I wonder what happened to your original Nightwing account :thinking:

Not really, people taking stuff seriously in a game, for saying something like “Herp derp pharah”, thus hitting the report button, makes them rather sad.

Nice attempt at trolling though. 3/10.

You need to ask BallAche on that one, he did say his old accounts got banned.

I can only speak from the experience of my friend, it was 30 days, then account of months later account perma banned. Because he was too stupid to listen and learn from his mistakes.

fewer and fewer every day

“5 year old games has less players than it once did” shocking news.

But how many players?. Or would you like me to give you the numbers from the annual statements?

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TF2 is 14+ years old and has more concurrent players than it ever has

and no, blizzards words are worthless because they never tell the truth

Cool story. 150,000 players isn’t that impressive though.

Activision-Blizzards annual accounts are “worthless”. Interesting take. Given that they are very easy to prove if they are lying and would be heavily punished by investors if they were.

But I’ll tell you. 9 million MAUs as at last report. So around 27 million active accounts

They report the MAU figure as they dilutes the relevance of people having multiple accounts.

But yes, this number is declining, but not to a level that would be alarming, or even that concerning.

they are worthless from a real life perspective, because statistics can be used to prove whatever you like, governments do it all the time

it doesn’t matter how many accounts blizzard claims they have when 3/4s of them belong to smurfs/alts, they can’t all be played at the same time, not to mention those accounts which have been banned are probably also still counted so as to pump up the numbers

blizzard technically isn’t lying to their investors, but the reality is very different from what blizzard says is true on paper, im surprised you don’t know that but you are a blizzard shill and fanboy after all, and they can seemingly do no wrong in your eyes

anywho, once again you’re wrong… not big surprise

That’s why they report MAUs as this nullifies that. As explained, by me and in the annual statement.

Banned accounts aren’t active accounts, they look at account that have been used in the last 25 days, and remove those that are closed.

I’ve never said they can’t do wrong. But I work in corporate finance, my job is digging into these statements to figure out if a company is worth investing in.

Lying on these could cost them billions, so if they were lying, you’d know about it as the stock price would quickly decline. As it did with the recent law suit (which they look like they are going to settle very soon, so the stock price will probably steadily increase again).

POW! you are wrong!.. NOT BIG SOUP RICE!

Mature. You’ve lost any ground there.