Almost always DEFENDING in Quick Play?

Why? Stop. I defend around 8 of 10 games I play in QP. Pathetic game design.

RNG dude, RNG. It’s a bummer.

It’s impossible for this to be random. I typed “Overwatch almost always” into google and the first autocomplete was “Overwatch almost always defending” with a ton of people complaining.

Tbh, when me and my friend played, we mainly defended first, which is annoying but I’m pretty sure it’s RNG based.

Ok so that must mean that there are just as many players always attacking?

Because everyone can’t always be defending, who are on the enemy team then?

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It’s like people have never thought to just do custom matches or just play ranked lol.

not to necro but i just got defense 5 times in a row :sob::sob: what are even the chances?