Alternative ways to contact Blizzard customer support?

I recently visited South Korea and played on my account over there briefly at a PC cafe with my Korean friend. I didn’t talk in general chat or use voice chat, I didn’t leave any games or troll/int etc. I just played normally, and a few days later I logged into my account again, and it said that my account has been permanently suspended from playing Overwatch 2.

My first customer support appeal ticket, I initially was given the standard ‘your account violated the ToS’ response, and I replied asking for more information. The game master asked for my purchase history of WoW and Hearthstone, which I found a strange because of how it relates to my activity on Overwatch. But I sent them the information. They didn’t respond for a while so I sent another reply.
Then the next game master asked for a copy of my public identity with a face picture, which I sent them. But then a different game master replied to that with the initial ‘your account violated the ToS’ reponse.

The only thing I can think that may have upset others, is I was playing Moira, and the enemy team said in chat “Moira is crazy” but it was in Korean. I didn’t respond to any comments or use team voice chat. I’m really confused, because I’ve played since OW1 launch and never had any penalties before.

I spent money on that account and it holds sentimental value to me too, I don’t understand how I can play in EU for years without a single penalty or ban or timeout, and then play for a few days in South Korea and get banned.

[ I have sent two appeals afterwards but I keep receiving the same response from the Game Master Team ]

Yeah a change in IP address, they think you were account sharing or sold your account.

There is little to no chance of you getting this account back.

As smallpackage said.

The fact that you logged into your account in a different country to where it’s registered to makes it look like you sold your account. (Or got hacked)
I’d say that apart from sharing your travel tickets there’s very little else you can do to attempt appealing and even then it’s upto the support if they believe you or not.

It might also take months to properly look into this case because of the recent layoffs. You can keep appealing, but expect to wait for a good while.

Thank you for replying guys. Even though I had 2FA on? I had to verify with my UK phone number every time i logged in. I tweeted them and sent them a message on instagram. I’ll keep trying the appeals too.

Even more so.

UK account, with UK number, suddenly logs in in South Korea… The game will quickly think that is a little suspicious. Sadly.

Update: The team did not get back to me on twitter or instagram. I sent them flight ticket attachments, receipts of my PC cafe, location and mentioned that I had 2FA on, and they can see I am playing my usual characters. They refuse to review any more tickets.
I played Overwatch since the first game’s beta. And after this experience, I will never purchase nor play a single Blizzard game again.