Anniversary 2020 Leak + Pink Mercy Return Leak

(Video by Blame the Controller)

Blizzard apparently had accidently leaked their Anniversary Event a bit too early, the video at mark 1:00 talks about this in more detail.

The leaked details for the event are:

  • The date for the event is the 19th.
  • Masquerade Reaper (Legendary) skin
  • Dragoon Mercy (Legendary) skin
  • Red Riding Hood Ashe (Legendary) skin
  • Possible more skins (unspecified)
  • Carbon Fiber Sigma (Epic) skin
  • Fluer De Lis Widowmaker (Epic) skin
  • Masked Man McCree (Epic) skin
  • Previous events returning (not exactly a leak per say)

There is also another leak that wasn’t mentioned in this video regarding the Pink Mercy skin.

(Translation from French?)
“Accidental leak of the trailer of the Anniversary event via the Youtube Overwatch Brazil! The Pink Mercy skin gets again???”

From what is implied of the leak, apparently Pink Mercy will return as a Lootbox reward as shown in the leaked images.

Now I am very skeptical about this as this could easily be a photoshop (especially since there was another “Pink Mercy Leak” which was also fake), however if the leak turns out to be true, that is a controversial move from Blizzard since the skin was around $15 (don’t know what it was here in the UK as I never bought the skin) and for a good cause (BCR).

Anyways, discuss below on what you think, do you think these leaks are true or not? what are your thoughts about them?

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the first leak is 100% accurate, as it was posted on the forums by the devs. the second one is fake af, pink mercys never coming back

The mercy image is written in portuguese of portugal… i think its fake.

Definitely fake, especially since it isn’t mentioned at all in the Dev post.

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How are you plebeians so obsessed with mercy skins, seriously curious…

I’m against Pink Mercy returning, I hate the skin (and Mercy in general).

But I’m guessing the obsession is due to the fact that the skin itself is very popular.


so you hate mercy but she’s your most played character on psn? come on now.

also, why don’t you explain yourself and your hatred for the character? :slight_smile:

Ex-PS4 Player (mainly play PC now)

Most hours on Mercy was mainly due to Moth Meta, that was not fun at all.
Also, Junkrat because of me trying (and succeeding) in getting his Cute Spray.

so is that why you hate her or did i miss something?

and not to be rude but i don’t see how junk has to do with this tbh. i’m a junk main since i started out in 2017, i have around 370 hours on him on my main. for mercy i have around 500h spread across multiple accounts. i could talk about my story of hatred, denial and acceptance of mercy but that’s not really the point here.