Any plans to fix matchmaking?

Is there any response at all from Blizzard on the matchmaking?
I’m high gold/low plat (i.e. bang average casual player) and I am consistently put into diamond/masters games. I have no intention of grinding to get better at the game, I am old and only play for fun. Playing quickplay is not an option as the matchmaking is even worse so comp is where I will have to play to maybe get a balanced game.

You will lose 100% of your games if I am in your team at these higher ranks.

It’s quite clear to me why you have such a toxic community - it’s because of the wonky matchmaker creating unfair games which frustrates people and they lash out. You should do something about this rather than spending time on the store or not hotfixing balance issues.

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First thing to mention. This would suggest your MMR is higher than your rank.

Second thing. Games are matched on MMR not ranks/SR.

So this will be why you are seeing a discrepancy. The game thinks you are better than you give yourself credit for.

This is fragrantly untrue.

I am a gold support. I am garbage on support.

If I play open queue, I am in master/gm lobbies. I quite often get support. I win a decent amount. I do my bit, and I get by and learn from the better players around me.

As with all toxic elements of any community. They are a small, but loud, minority that ruining things for the majority sadly. Not a lot you can do. But blaming players toxicity on the match maker is giving the toxic players an excuse. If player A is toxic in game, that is the fault of player A and no one else.

But, to bring it back to the crux of the post. What do you want them to do… The match maker has fundamentally been the same for nearly 8 years or whatever it is. There has been a few tweaks here and there, there will be more in the future (like the season 9 group changes). But I am not sure what people want it to do.

We all have an MMR (one for each role, and OQ), it matches 10 people who have a similar MMR… that is it. I am not sure what else it is meant to do.

In my case, i would like my mmr to change slower. I feel like it fluctuates too fast after two wins or losses.

I might get 2 or 3 really exciting balanced matches where both teams are desperately clawing for the victory. After which i feel that my mmr has shifted too much because the next matches feel either impossible or too easy, depending on the outcomes of those exciting games.

I can relate to that, i’ll have 3 or 4 wins in what feels like balanced games then throws me in with the sharks for 10-15 games. The skill gap discrepancy is huge but unaccounted for.

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Which is a fair request. I guess if you are in the middle ranks, and especially playing QP/Arcade modes, it will bounce about far more as you play against “better” and “worse” players more often (due to groups, backfill, and lower player number in arcade).

Also i feel that the arcade mmr should be separate from the rest.
It’s such a different environment, especially in the seasonal brawl modes.

I noticed it after starwatch.
I won a lot in the arcade and suffered for it for several matches. The first few qp matches were such pain, i got bullied so badly and probably were the reason my team lost.

Would be a good shout.

I’d probably just split quick play and ranked MMR. Would probably be a simpler option.

For me it feels like system is trying to be “positive”. It doesn’t punish me for losses, but the moment I have a winstreak, I’m going right up to gms, when I am high plat - low diamond player. Never works the opposite way. I never get silver lobbies even after 10 losses in a row.

There are always more losses for me in a row than victories. For probably the reason that the mmr thinks i need more challenge.

I wouldn’t mind spending several matches in a row against an equal team, but it feels that my mmr shifts more after those matches and there’s only one or two. Or maybe my skill window is just very narrow.

Also likely that when you lose, your head drops and you perform a little worse the next time and lose again… then end in a cycle.

There is a reason they say winning breeds winning in sports. A lot of psychology involved, even in a game.

Perhaps, but i do always try my best. Or at least attempt to.

There’s always a chance to claw back as long as even one second remains.

Very true indeed.

Just played a game that looked totally lost, to the point the enemy were clearly trolling it was that easy for them. Managed to turn it all around and push on for a 4-3 win.

Games like those are always very satisfying, just clawing your way to victory.

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Yeah. Especially as my team spent the whole game telling me how bad it was… Only for me to end up with the highest elims in the lobby.

Like, yeah, I am bad, and stats are meaningless… but screw them lol.

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Don’t play till they fix competitive in the next season, simple. I know it’s hard, even I have trouble not playing because I’m addicted to the game but if you can hold out for 1 month the games ranked mode is being looked into for Season 9 and maybe just maybe Overwatch can be saved. I’m not putting all my coins in the basket yet but I really do hope they fix this monstrosity. I am with you, we are all frustrated, I’ve lost so much progress myself from Diamond to Gold… It’s a hard time for us and we can go ahead and shout at the toxic players or you can wait. The choice is yours friend.

What do you think they are “fixing” though…

The visual feedback will be hopefully better, being match by match.

Looser group restrictions should make playing ranked with friends a lot easier (less need for smurfs, potentially).

Other than that, MMR isn’t changing, SR will still be the same, match making will be the same.

There will be a very soft reset, then it will very quickly go back to the same. It is just a big token gesture to keep some angry players happy. It isn’t actually “changing” anything.