Arcade is broken-where is Mayhem?

Arcade is either broken or nobody at Blizzard gives a monkey’s chuff about the game rotation. It is always full of deathmatches and eliminations. The choice is crap. I’ve played Overwatch almost daily for yrs and am getting really annoyed with how little Total Mayhem is on Arcade. It was last up on Sat sep 28th, that’s two weeks guys!! Wtf?
I now check Twitter beforehand and if Mayhem ain’t on i don’t even bother anymore. Just because Kaplan doesn’t like it it doesn’t mean the fans agree, a lot of us don’t. It’s hard to get TM going on custom games, especially for adult gamers who may not have a bunch of friends online. Sort it out or lose players to similar games. Fyi two extra game slots in Arcade won’t do it! It will only give us more deathmatches to choose from!
Stop mugging everyone and your own game off!