Ashe Voice Actor No Longer with Blizzard?

After the massive layoffs of the Hearthstone team in February, Ashe voice actor, Jennifer Hale, spoke out against it on Twitter.

Since then Ashe didn’t get any new voice lines in the subsequent events so is it safe to assume we’re not going to hear new Ashe voice lines or see her in more cinematic shorts?

Whether she refuses to work with Blizzard again or vice versa, it’s a bummer either way.

For reference here are some of the tweets:


Only 12 heroes received voice lines in the event… I guess every other voice actor has left as well, and there’s no other explanation like, for example, that she’s busy, or that there just weren’t any good ideas for lines to add…

Are you really that bored?

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I think that was them just joining dots, it’s obvious that she isn’t too happy

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Oh voice lines, whatever shall we do.

Being unhappy and quitting your job are not the same thing.

Up to this point they always released 2/3 voice lines for heroes new to an event.
It’s a first with Ashe and while the timing can be a coincidence I personally don’t think it is.

And I never implied either that whoever doesn’t have a new voice line for the event means their VA left. You can still disagree and not be rude.
I doubt they didn’t have good ideas for lines. If they wanted to add any, they would have.

This is less about Ashe having voice lines and more about whether her VA could still play her or not.

If she quit working for the company then they would simply hire a replacement.

Jennifer Hale is the greatest voice actor in the gaming industry. I think she’ll be fine. :sweat_smile:


BBliizard doesn’t allow public talk about management, Jayne wa forced to deletye a tweet about hongkong. If you don’t comply your fired.

Did you know that Blizzard eat babies too?

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Are you stupid ? When Jayne psoted a message critizing blizzard about Hong kong and the message got deleted what do you thing happend :

  1. he deleted it by accident while dancing the tango
  2. blizzard called him or dallas fuel to pressure him into deleting it.

Is CEOs and big wigs making dozens of times more money than regular employees news to some people? Of course they do, its called capitalism. If you want the same treatment become a boss yourself.

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I wouldn’t worry much about the voice actors. They got more than well compensated for their work (aka they can chill out in the beach for the next 5 years if they want).

Compared to all the “hard” work they did, aka open their mouth I wouldn’t feel sorry for them at all seeing what a high IQ persons they are:

Talking of dumb&dumber squared.

So there will be no more just takin out the trash how sad :smiley:


While I don’t particularly like the voice actors or how way overhyped they are a job is a job. I cant do it so it definitely requires some qualification and training.

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I’m not sure if no new voicelines in a while means anything. I can’t remember which VA said this, but they mentioned being careful with the voicelines they say in public because they’re not always sure they’re in-game. They mentioned sometimes it takes over 2 years to see something they recorded be added to the game.

If this was the case, I think Blizzard would be already on their way to find a new VA for Ashe and record all of her lines. Also don’t forget they have a contract with Blizzard and they pay a massive fine for breaking it, i.e. quitting the job. They are not really employees.

PS: Does anyone know why my avatar here on the forums won’t change?

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I think that was them just joining dots, it’s obvious that she isn’t too happy