Bad teammates, maybe the problem is not what you thought it was

This has been such a common complaint in overwatch for many years and even from their failed Heroes of the Storm game.

It is important to stop getting angry at your team. Even if they are the worst you cant do anything to change that, the matchmaker teamed you up with them so you can’t be that much better yourself.

Instead of complaining about how your team is playing it is far more efficient to just accept you cant change your team and just try your best, try a different tactic, try a different hero. If all else fails blame the matchmaking not your team.


yeah you right. maybe it is me. maybe after all those experiences from season 1 overwatch 1 till season 5 overwatch 2 has all been me all along. maybe playing so many times trying to figure which combination works the best and what counter needs to be played on each map against different types of heroes and tank and support was completely meaningless to understand as against the sheer stupidity that is competitive.

maybe i need to learn how to play stupid. please educate me senpai.

PS: not even joking. my favorite role support gets abused so insanely well through blizzards design that i dont even know how to climb out of bronze.

A: healing top heals does not win you the game.
B: making the most saves (keeping the team alive) does not win you the game.
C: going full offensive as support is like a 50/50 gamble.

So i dont know. i dont know how to play stupid, sorry.

finally got the Unrellenting hero title (dont really care anymore about being a diamond or a grandmaster) all i ever wanted were more challenging matches in which the outcome would be an equal chance from the enemy point of view as my own. thats it.

and thats why i play quickplay most of the time. though sometimes i wish i would get those types of matches in competitive where people actually get enough chances of proving themselves to be a good player but if no one counters the enemy pharah from the enemy team and its being pocketed the whole match by a mercy and your team does not know how to counter back as a group then how would you consider that to be a fair match?

You are kind of arguing against yourself. So if the matchmaking matched us together, then none of us can be much better than the other people? Then why would we blame the matchmaker? :smiley: That implies some people are trolling.


A Zen on your team achieving 1.2k heals over a 3 cap point map - you can’t win with that.

A DPS player on your team playing Phara (no pocket) vs a Mcree & an Soljourn - you can’t win with that feed either, at least the enemy team has the advantage of always killing our dps feeder.

When you’re grouped with tools who do not know how to play, who do not know counters, who feed, who just do not heal, this information would be evident with data gathering.

If you think you’re complaining, then don’t complain to them, recommend that they change a hero, or tactic.

In regards to what I just typed above, this is not complaining. This is recommending to said “Tool” to change hero, to change tactic, yet they do not. Maybe they’re complaining to you because you just did not listen to recommendations initially which then led to the complaints.

Yeah, I think that’s healthy approach to have. You can’t completely overcome someone who’s basically trolling. That would require you to be much better than the other players on both teams and that is unlikely, assuming we trust the matchmaker to be more or less correct. If you see a way how to compensate for someone elses shortcomings, then by all means, be the one who switches and tries to do so. But recommending change to the weakest link is usually the better solution, assuming they listen. And some people do. If they tell you to eF off and block you, then it is what it is, but that still doesn’t make you toxic, if all you said was: “it seems like Pharah is not working now, can you switch pls?”. Just telling your team they all suck doesn’t solve anything though :smiley: . So OP is right on that part.

The only factor you can control is yourself; not your teammates.