Be more fair to social players

I que everytime selecting all 3 classes but i somehow never get to play DD.
please adjust your algorithM so i have at least 33% chance to play as a DD.

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It doesn’t work like that.

When you select multiple roles it will give you the role with the lowest queue time, so if you want to play one specifically choose it.

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i know that it doesnt work like that, i am testing it since 30 games. Not one single game i got to play DD. Yet it is marked. So the condition that all 3 roles will have equal wait time is probably never gonna happen, so this turns out as a pure placebo.
This algorithm needs some improvements.

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DD has the highest queue time of all, correct?

The system isn’t advertised that it will give you a random role, it will give the fastest available role.

I think it doesn’t need improvement, since if you want to play DD then you only select DD. If you want to select multiple and gamble with queue times, then good luck.

If you want to play something, choose it.
Not rely on a random function that won’t give you what you want.

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you don’t get what i mean. I mean the system should be “rewarding” players who chose to play all roles, since if i am the dumb one who gets only heal or tank roles, then good, i will que only DD and things will remain the same.

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They should not reward players to queue for all the roles, it’s a player decision.

If the playerbase decides to mess up queue times, then that’s on them.
Blizzard should not need to give out rewards to fix an issue caused by the players, it’s fine as it is.

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thats why they give you boxes and credits.
you have no idea what you are talking about…


So you want a quick and easy exploit so you get to wait less long than others? If you truly don’t care about which role to play as (i.e. queue for all of them) - why cry?

If it were like you wanted it, more people would queue for everything and then proceed to throw/leave in the roles they didn’t really want to play.

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I want to play 3 roles if i que for 3 roles. I see the imbalance in quetimes, but i never get to play DD. This shouldn’t be. Whats so hard to understand?

Why you think i am crying? I think this system could be improved for the reasons i provided. Whats so hard to understand about that?

And so what? Can you explain this concern a little more? I think this behaviour would equalize itself. If you leave games as Tank and healer, then who will tank and heal in the third game you join as DD? If you leave roles then they have to be refilled, but then they are missing elsewhere, so in the worst case, this “exploit” ends in the same waiting time for DDs.

And again - i don’t think that many people would que for all 3 roles if they don’t want to play all 3 roles.