Because Blizzard cannot manage to produce a good Matchmaker

Because Blizzard cannot manage to produce a good Matchmaker.

Let us have the ability to block the potential to be grouped with certain players in the future indefinitely. Let us block those who go AFK or Throw a match by emoting outside spawn, or for those who quit.

7 days is not enough, and 3 slots is by far not enough.

I don’t want to be grouped those who go AFK or Throw a match by emoting outside spawn, or for those who quit. When I play CS2, I never get this issue. When I played CSGO, I never had this issue. Why have you not been able to produce a matchmaker similar to OW?

After season 10 the devs are upping the avoid limit to 10. And you can pin any number of the avoided people to be avoided indefinitely.

There’s also a feature, where if you avoid more than 10 people, the oldest unpinned person will be dropped from the list.

At least this is what was said in the newest defence matrix blog.


Oh really? I’ll take a ganders. About time they have changed this area.