Being matched with new accounts in my team for 2nd day without stop

being matched with new accounts in my team for 2nd day without stop, losing nearly every game. lost 200sr. Every single game gold dmg and kill even when we have 6 dps, but low level accounts always on my team and only won a game when doing 60+ kills. Kill participation 50+% every game too…
Why is matchmaking forceing losing by keep pairing me with misplaced beginner accounts???
Low level accounts should play only against each other until correct sr applies as most of them are low bronze in gold and silver.

You are probably losing because of the team comp, not the account levels or your “gold medals”.

Your suggestion is to basically ring fence the game and not allow less experience players to have game time with more experience plays. The sort of game time that could teach them a lot.

Nah, not for me champ. If the system thinks they are of similar skill, maybe you need to improve and carry games and push on.

Sounds like you are playing open queue… remember the player base there is tiny. They don’t really have that many options for match making.

Yes, open queue. And I am talking about players running around like headless chicken level placed in gold and silver… Impossible to carry 2-3 players within 1 team unless you are several tiers above your current rank.
It’s so obvious that once I lose 200-300sr I am normally forced on a massive win streak no matter what I do, even if I would not leave spawn I would be forced on like a 10 games win streak.

I’ve seen people in diamond on level 1500 accounts that run about like they’ve got hands on fire.

You are never forced on to a win or loss streak. Get that idea out of your head.

Winning or losing is a consequence of the actions in the match. If your team misplays they lose. And you don’t have to be tiers about to carry. That’s the concept of getting good. You improve, and you’re better than those in your rank so you carry.

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sounds like you have never played a game without comms and 0 teamwork… until then you don’t know what I mean. You are 1 out of 6 vs 6, do the math…

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No, that is literally every solo queue game. In fact some 6 stack LFG games.

Also, I used to be 495sr and have climbed ever since… Pretty sure I have experienced my fair share of weird games.

People still find a way to carry.

And if they aren’t “working as a team”, you could pick one and just shadow them and work with them. An idea.

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Good ideas are always welcome, ty.

Not sure what rank you are in, but this glorious idea of good comms and team work in not a thing till at least high Diamond.

You will on rare occasions see it if you stack with people, but it basically just isn’t a thing.

You have 2 (technically 3…) options.

  1. Get good on one hero per role and use that to climb.
  2. Get good at reading what your team and the enemy is doing. and picking heroes and playing in such a way that enables them. (If they see you working to help them, the favour might get returned…).

the bonus 3rd option is to get good on a hero, but follow the mantra of option 2.

It isn’t perfect, and games will still suck ass from time to time. But you will only climb if you improve as a player. Be that mechanically or game sense. (game sense is more imporantant, I know 2 Widow players that can dunk on Masters Widows in 1v1s, but are stuck in Plat because they are bad at the game of Overwatch).

I’m curious who you would pick to shadow, your Rein that typically pins non stop into the enemy backline, your Moira that fade straight into the enemy backline to try and hunt the enemy mercy, your mc cree who like clockwork runs straight out spawn - passes your rein and stands out in the open at first point hanamura to try and snipe an entrenched bastion? Or perhaps your sombra - who isn’t on coms and is spending the entire game hacking healthpacks. Then their are the reddit wannabe lucio’s, the insta de meched dva’s and the hanzos who don’t kow what a sonic arrow is or zarya’s who don’t even know they have a bubble. And yes these are all frequent occurrences.

Personally from all that… I’d pick Zarya and take all the charge you can get from Rein.

But if people around you are that bad. It is up to you to get good and dunk on them.

To give you an update:
It got so bad during last 2 days that I had 20 games in a row matched with throwers/beginners in my team.
Got to a point where I had gold kill gold dmg and gold heal (2.6k only) with roadhog.
So not talking about a small difference in teams but impossibble to win scenarios where reality chance is 90% vs 10%. Somehow enemy team nearly always try to teamwork and my team goes 6 different direction no matter what you say to them or ask from them.
When I have played rein and always waited for my team after I died, kept asking my team to folow me noone ver followed me onto point no dps no heal.
I know it happens from time to time I got used to it but 20 games in a row is not random but fabricated matchmaking.
Lost 300sr so far.

Are you still playing open queue?

Open queue seems to be the worst experience for people. People don’t understand the basics enough to make open queue viable.

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NO, I have started to play role queue.
It’s a lot worse than open queue in terms of matchmaking.
I went back to open queue playing dps and no issue of winning.
Actually healers in open queue do heal unlike in role queue in the bad team.

None of your issues are a match maker issue. You just catch people having a bad game. I had one earlier. Learnt from my mistakes and won the next 5.

Lvl dont have anything to do with skills and you excuse about having good damage as something to brag with just kinda proves the problem. While i dont play open comp as i was ovejoyed no more being Forced in to grps anymore with a minimum of 3-4 dps ever match even in the role que comp mode i play how Many times do i still not see the exact same excuse from our dps saying there better just cause they have the highest damage. And yes im not trying to say my damage is awesome either probobly since im a tank but even against tanks and healer the only card dps users is theyre damage thinking the planet circles around it. And while i started playing way back i started in golf ned been climbing up even though i was lvl 25 in my first comp season so maybe its you and not the new players

You did not read me above.
I have played role queue and I had gold heal with hog with 2.6k.
Could you tell me which healers can do less heal in a minimum 8 mins a game period time?
My gold kill with hog was only like 5 and gold dmg was only like 3k, so dps did not do any dmg either and healers were not healing either.
So no way of winning or carrying a game where you have no dps and no heal, cos if other tank is trying with you that is still 2vs6.

I have an 81% win rate on ana this season, and apparently my healing numbers are “terrible”

But it is irrelevant if no one takes damage

Yes i did read above so i stick with what i said

It ok, don’t rise to it.

You seen a lot of posts on here claiming everything is stopping them from winning/climbing or whatever.

They forget they are the only common denominator in all their games.

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I knew I was doing too well on open queue.
After a long winstreak…
4 out of 6 game had a leaver in my team. When did not, we won. When we won I had 69% kill participation with soldier doing 49 kills and had 3 death only.
I know my chance to have a leaver on my team or on the enemy is 50-50, but how come I have 100%-0% and 80% of game with leaver all of a sudden?