Blizzard can we revert this bs right now already

I’m sure you are aware with your clever, smart engineers, right?

In this short time the new 6 mode is live, I’ve already had 3 games where a tank was throwing because he was forced into the only tank slot and just kept walking around spawn or into the enemy team.

And it was a true Einstein solution to combo this with punishing leavers so these players cannot even leave the game and give us a replacement who actually WANTS to play.

Very smart mode by clever engineering, totally not possible to predict this. 500 IQ Blizzard.

Backfill in ranked would be stupid.

If someone wants to leave, nothing they can do. If someone wants to flex queue and gets tank, what can they do.

The only thing they can do if they are out of their depth is lose and reduce their tank MMR. But if they have that MMR, it means they’ve been just as successful as you at winning games, so maybe they aren’t the issue…

It’s about the 6v6 mode, not ranked.

Basically everything I mentioned still stands.

Nothing that can do about leavers, or people playing off roles. You have the same (roughly) MMR as them on their off role…

Wait, are you replying to the wrong post? oO There’s no real connection atm?


Can’t do anything with leavers. And you have the same MMR as them.

Nothing they can do about it.

Lol what? Your response is still detached in what is in it or from what you are trying to say from what I actually wrote, like, the words and points have nothing to do with the actual OP??? Tbh it reads a bit like AI chat? Nvm though just move on. In case you’re running some kind of lab experiment here xD

Try complaining about things that can actually be changed. Instead of this waffle.

If you’re complaining about people leaving games. You’re wasting your time.

MMR? Match Maker Rank I assume? How does this work in practice? If you could elaborate, please.

Im fairly new but the people I face have like these gold and purple icons and such, Im kinda lost in what is going on. I know like from counter strike, which i havent touched in 15 years so might be different now, but you win games and you gain rank, and vice versa. Does this mean the players Im facing are actually losing games so bad that they drop down to my newbie rank? Im definitely not winning alot of games or such, so Im confused.

FYI, Im only playing arcade and quick play matches, havent touched competetive yet, if thats exclusive to that mode…

MMR is match making rating.

It’s simply a number from -6 to +6 that goes up and down as you win or lose.

This is the number they use to match you with others.

If you’re playing ranked, you can ascertain roughly what your MMR number is as it is mirrored with your visible rank%

These badges will purely be because they’ve played a lot of games, and aren’t indicative of any level of skill.

I see, thank you for the clarification.

I will have more questions once I touch ranked mode though. Infact, each role has its own MMR, right? I read about this SR, what is that? A succulent rating? :slight_smile: :heart:

Each role plus open queue.

SR is “skill rating” but is no longer relevant. The % and rank you see is just a visualisation of your MMR.

I appreciate you answering me, again. I asked alot of ppl and they all speak of different things. Im glad that this topic will be unshrouded of its mysteries.

Thank you.

They will. There are a lot of fringe ideas about things on the forums. But what I’ve told you above it not my opinion on what happens, it is purely dissected from the devs explaining it.

LOL dont dissect me pls. Everyone played xcom, omg I feel threatened. Fríendly here.