Blizzard, I am sorry that I hurt some toxic kids feelings, please forgive me

Absolutely not. People annoy me literally every game by not playing how I want them to, that is not grieving… dont give me that bs

This is why people give you crap man, you just make up stuff like that to argue

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I’m not arguing though. We are having a discussion. With points and counter points.

You just don’t like it.

sure, we can call it a discussion, but you have absolutely no point on that last one.

There is always a point.

Grieving is not somebody being slightly annoyed by something you may or may not have done tho.

No. Grieving is the “natural response to losing someone or something that’s important to you”

Griefing is “the act of chronically causing sudden annoyance to other members of an online community”

And that is what tends to get people reported in games. Every has different tolerance levels. So someone might report you for talking to much… someone else’s limit might be awful dad jokes.

circles, if they think a suspension for defending myself and false reports is not going to harm their own game more than me, they are wrong.

Fighting fire with fire will always end badly. Always best to just let them tucker themselves out.

Like I did with that dude who went nuts one night and posted 18 separate abusive things on there, mostly directed at me. I just let him have his moment, he clearly wanted the attention, only broke my no flag rule for the racist stuff.

Any time you fight back, you leave yourself open.

If you ask them to show you the chat log they will.