Blizzard, I am sorry that I hurt some toxic kids feelings, please forgive me

Can you please stop actioning my account for every single child that doesn’t like my RESPONSES, thankyou.

you failed to silence your employees so you silence customers that stick up for themselves instead….


Lol. Maybe don’t fight fire with fire. If you’re not going to learn, you’ll keep getting actioned.

I am not sure what I am supposed to be learning because Blizzard will not provide details of what I have apparently done.

Blizzard : “Don’t do this again”
Me: “Do what ?”
Blizzard : “We cant tell you its a secret”

It’s clear from your post that you think it’s for “responses”.

Maybe try not “responding” for awhile, see how it goes.

I know its from my responses, but my responses are not even abusive, just factual with no sugar coating. Being conditioned into silence is not an option for me.

Why do people always assume it has to be abusive lol.

It is literally “inappropriate communication”

This might help you, might not (it is quite vague)… “We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.”

Blizzard employees making judgements on what warrants “inappropriate communication” is kinda funny but whatever lol

Like you said it is extremely vague, and if they wont clarify what they have considered inappropriate how will I know what not to say.


If you get reported enough. They don’t need to make any judgement other than to action.

Given that it is done on “matches reported” and not “reports received” in order to stop wemps from mass reporting in a single game. It means you’ve annoyed people in multiple games over a period of time.

At that point, you just have to hold your hands up and say fair enough. Take responsibility and move on. You don’t have to change your behaviour. But if you don’t the same thing will keep happening.

My endorsement after my last silence was back to level 3 from 0 within days. So clearly I am contributing and not annoying everybody and when I checked yesterday my winrate on my main was 63% so I am clearly not throwing.

The people who I annoy think 9k damage on Tracer is bad or that standing in spawn for 2 seconds to decide on a char swap is being afk or that soldier is supposed to consistently 2v1 a phara mercy.

The people I “annoy” just got educated.


well done? I am sure thats what you want.

No, just proving a point that I obviously contribute to the team more than it is perceived that I do not.

I am not sure you can read anything into endorsements.

Had a dude last night, cry about everything all game… was level 5.

Cool story but quickly climbing endorsement levels with a decent winrate shows I am contributing.

If educating people who have a warped idea of what throwing or trolling is, is inappropriate, then…

It shows that you are winning games and people are endorsing you.

Why they endorse you no one knows. I just spam it when I bother… so might just be luckily getting lots of spam ones.

I know you like to just disagree with everything but I wouldn’t be winning games and getting endorsements if I was throwing and annoying everybody, every game.

The fact is, I actively tell people to stop being toxic, yesterday somebody started to attack our tank, I told them to pack it in and let them get into the game, they did and we won.

Check the logs I know you can…

Who said throwing?

You can still win and be annoying to others.

I said throwing, because I know I have been wrongly reported for being afk and throwing.

You’d probably have gotten griefing for that.

I mean, whatever they put the report in as, was a false report

Without seeing the game, I won’t know. But if you were annoying them, even slightly. It wasn’t false.