@Blizzard : Missing Action for the Workshop

Dear Blizzard Team.

Why is the action for the workshop
“Start Scaling Player”
“Start Scaling Barriers”
not on the live server? That was the best thing ever on the PTR.

I spent hours writing a mode, a realy big boss fight. (1vs11) and now the work is completely useless. Because this is not possible here. As well as all related conditions & variables.

	Event Player.Growth = 1;
	Start Scaling Player(Event Player, Event Player.Growth, True);

	Has Spawned(Event Player) == True;

	Chase Player Variable Over Time(Event Player, Growth, 20, 300, Destination and Duration);

The Actions for Scaling are delayed Dev US Forum Post
If you take a look at the PTR version again you can see Effects etc scaling up with the player but not down, something they are going to Fix along the side of performance improvements.

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Thanks You, Its good to know

It’s you… Teawy? Uhm, you reworked the “friendly mode”? It was a very good job and I could learn a lot. thank you for that ^^

Yeah that’s me.
Glad to know you like it. ^^