Blizzard, remove Aaron Keller already

This person has no business in any important job in the gaming industry where he is allowed to make decisions.

And bring back 6v6 w/o the season 9 bs.


Looking at his CV, seems like he’s earned the job.

And if you think he makes decisions on his own… Nothing blizzard does is a one man decisions. It’ll be a committee job.

Season 9 saw a spike in players. It was clearly a popular move. They’ve over time toned down those changes. It made very little difference other than for consistency over ping variations.

6v6… Why not at this point. Won’t make a jot of difference, so why not.

The same people will still claim match making is bad, or things are forced or complain a hero they don’t like is op when in fact they aren’t.

For once, I agree with you.

And I can tell you #Cats those kinda positions/jobs arent ez jobs. You gotta juggle corp demands, manage a timeline and on top of that a team. Any free time left… hobbies, family?

for a Game Dev he is too silent though

Indeed he is too silent and i think a change of lead would be for the better. But as Roku said, one person doesn’t take any decision actually in these kind of teams. He mostly just represents them. A change in these conditions would benefit the “image” of the game probably, even tho he seems like a likeable figure. Although as we said he doesn’t take any decision by himself. The same thing i was saying back in the day about Wow’s Ion Hazzikostas. He became Game director in 2014 and since then the game was going downhill. But he is not responsible for what happened to Wow and also since his leadership Wow had some good expansions (but also the worst xD). Anyway , a single person is not responsible for the game direction, practically, but a change like this would give a fresh air and a signal about changes (theoretically)

Is he really a dev these days.

As game director, I’d be surprise if he’s doing any development or grunt work. He’d be too busy doing other things.

He was an OG team 4 member, worked on WoW before that… I think he’s probably done enough there not to be directly involved in actually making the game now.

Why the detailed information? You should be more restrained with that kinda information, dont you think?

So vain. LoL you found some age old comment to ban. I know who you are.

The question is, how rich are you? Yea exactly. We not gonna fire you. I got something special for you. And your entourage ofc.

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