Blizzard's punitive approach

Enough for it to not work for me.

Ok. Just been trying it in game. Yeah it works.

Typing /hidechat also hides it until you press enter.

well it doesnt for me.

You’ve done something wrong then, because that is the feature available to you.

maybe i have wouldnt be the first time i make a mistake still this is all off topic.

Not really,

You suggested restricting chat - someone pointed out it already happens.

So then came back asking for a feature to toggle chat on and off - I’ve just given you that.

Then you went to an odd place with your auto-que point that makes no sense.

So all answered.

yes yes we know ur gonna keep posting untill i get tired of being harassed with ur nonsense and give up my thread. Standard protocole.

Yes. Answering your queries with a suggestion to help is good harassment…

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LOL yes yes ur really smart, clearly u have prooven ur superior intellect. You are right, ofc. That’s what u want to hear right. That’s why you spend your days roding these forums with your 4k+ posts looking for some guy to harass and troll to death cause you don’t like his thinking or his thread… Now plz leave my thread in peace. I’m tired of ur clever and inherently biased, insincere and pointless posts on my thread. I’m blocking you. :laughing:

You can’t block on the forums, but ok.

Are you AllMight/Imposter in disguise? lol. They got upset anytime someone answered their question too.

But you joined the forum to raise issues that already had solutions. And then act up when 2 people point this out to you. Maybe check first.

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Why do u try so hard to tilt people. Clearly you enjoy triggering people since that seems to be your focus. But why? Are you unhappy in ur life? Come on tell papa bear whats wrong kiddo. :heart:

Patronising, trolling and insulting now.

Good job I am not flagging these.

I am not wasting my time. Your goal seems to be to get me banned from the forum. Don’t know why. What do you have against me? I don’t even know you.


You are the one throwing out insults, telling people you hate me. If you ever get banned somewhere, that will be because of your own actions.

I have merely pointed out facts.

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insults? where? I havent insulted you once… Do you know what qualifies as an insult? i think your knowledge of english is off somehow. Where you from anyways?
And btw, you have pointed out random facts that are not related to the thread you were posting in. I kept telling you you were going off topic focusing on a side matter someone brought up but you clearly ignored me and continued on your merry off topic way. Then blamed me for not not following suit.
Kind of random…
Btw dont you have a family, GF or a job or something in your life to keep you occupied. You seem to put all your time and energy into these forums. And you end up harassing people who dont have your energy…
I’ll let you in on a little secret. Human beings are subjective by nature. Everything you say will be subjective and everything i say will be subjective. However, you seem rather intolerant with other peoples faults and make no mistake you have faults. You just try hard to hide them with ur so called flawless unbiased logic. But that’s just a front. You are just as “indecent” to quote ur words as i am. Becauses ur human. Stop the forum trolling and try hard righteousness, ok bud.

Patronising, being sarcastic, accusing me of trolling, tell me you hate me (“I hate your guts” to directly quote you), telling people their opinion doesn’t matter, calling me boring, unpleasant, falsely accusing me of harassment, creating an entire thread to take sly shots at me and continue to accuse me of trolling and harassing. Now going on to question someone’s personal life… You get the picture.

I haven’t said anything about you. Just that the options to solve your problems are available to you, and given you the information to find them.

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Why are going through the effort to enumerate all the negative things i said about you. I don’t have to like you. And that’s not a crime. If your not nice why would i like you?

No, you don’t do things openly. But you do it in a different way. You ignore everything i say and just say what you want. Thats not communication. That’s harassement.

Why… You only need to go back one message… Where you said the following

“insults? where? I haven’t insulted you once…”

So I have factually pointed out where you might have got that wrong.

You don’t have to like me, I don’t care if you do or don’t. But there is a way to conduct yourself.

I’ve checked the definition of harassment… You are wrong.

I agree so leave someone alone when they ask you to. that’s a way to conduct yourself.

I am going to go play the game with my friends.

It is a public forum, if you don’t want replies, lock the thread and only give specific people access.

Everyone has the right of reply.