Can we get a solution for all the bots in competitive, I’m still sort of new to the game about 4 months so I’m not sure maybe its the servers I’m on… but yeah it’s crazy getting 3 matches in a row with bots where its a 4v5 or 3v5 situation then you’re forced to either lose rank or eat a time ban. It’s pretty stupid having bots in competitive if there must be bots in the game move them to unranked or arcade please, solo q in gold is already hard as it is.
There is no bots in game. Do you have replay codes?
Unless they accidentally queued Vs AI… Which seems unlikely, but always worth checking.
I’ll send codes after my timeout i think there’s 3 hours left, but if u drop your discord I’ll add u and send an old clip, basically the bots just wait at spawn and occasionally exit fire a few bullets and just stop in one spot, the tracers and moira’s for example just phase or rush forward and stay in place. my console friends never have this so I’m guessing its pc only.
That sounds like someone might be controlling multiple accounts in the same game to derank them quickly.
I mean that’s a possibility, but the probability of having someone like this 3 games in a row is crazy, I mean even if that the case its still a problem and they should be permanently banned after a few match reports because then its starting comp matches just to inconvenience other people and kill the gaming experience if its a full squad fine its not hurting anyone, but 2 or 3 ‘bots’ makes a match impossible
Used to see groups doing it fairly often in OW1 thanks to the group finder.
I’ve been lucky and not seen it quite so blatantly in OW2 yet.
1st comp game of the day here’s an example of what it looks like. code:PEREJB… see if its a full stack its fine, but a few on the team is an issue in comp … here’s 2 more codes, C46F2A 3Y215N at least today 2 matches went in my favor so it helped push my rank from the other day but this needs to be taken out of comp
im currently dealing with the same, i’ve queued 4 games back to back against complete bots and there have been other occasions of a bot or two being on my team