Bots in Competitive? (Are they Blizzard's own bots trying to cover for missing players?)

Actual Bots, Not just as an insult or another word for Aimbot. Like actual AI smovement and behavior. Ran into 6 so far in the Placement matches.

There are no bots in comp.

At worst, and it’s very rare. Someone might have used a tool to control multiple accounts. By that’s real easy to spot.

If you’re just seeing player play badly… Then that’s all it’ll be, players playing badly. (Might be deliberately so)

I have come across an entire team moving exactly the same, and only just two players, also doing the exact precise movement in OW2.

I guessed it was someones little experiment rather than Blizzard doing something like it.

I’ve only ever seen this in QP where it looked like someone was testing multiboxing software or sth, but in comp that must suck.