would not suprise me if there were bots. EU ranked is literally dead. i remember in overwatch 1 ranked top 500 was like 47xx to 4400 and now you can go through the pages and every page is another devision rank.
Miss the old ranking system tbf it was so much better than all the iterations they have put into OW2. I am seeing the same players come through into my matches occasionally also which falls in line with your
comment. I suppose they have to fill these matches with bots if they’re not able to pull in enough players into the game anymore. Likely these bots are as “well” engineered as their PVE development effort.
The pve bots are smarter than running into a wall.
Have a round of vs ai, the bots don’t really get stuck on anything they just walk very linear paths and play with aim bot.
On bronze and silver you’d barely even notice that you’re playing with a bot if it was one of the blizzard ai’s. They even voiceline at you with "hello"s and "thank you"s.
On high silver the bots would seem to be feeding, but they do change their routes if they keep dying. They even change heroes these days if they’re not getting any eliminations.
If all hard stuck bronze players played ai until they could reliably keep winning the hardest difficulty, they’d be well out of bronze by then.
Whats wrong with wide queues. If they lose they lose MMR anyways. So ATP if you want to avoid wides and wanna put that much effort in make a new account?
The wide queue is (at least was) a bit broken. People were sitting in those queues for long times, so i understand why someone would want to avoid them.
I don’t know the reasoning for all the derankers though, as i personally see no point in it XD
This was just the one example that poppef into my head.
On second thought, could these players be both rubber banding, or having issues on their end. As it could be 2 players sharing the same wifi as friends + family often do. at which point i would usually leave, or redo the wifi, but in comp i understand why they may not
Bots have been an issue in FFA Deathmatch for literal months, possibly over a year but nobody seemed to care at all. Right now bots have taken over FFA and they’ve ruined it. It was my favourite game mode but these bots have forced me and others to move away from it.
I was hoping this would happen, the bots are now seemingly leaking into other game modes now which is great news because both Blizzard and the community can finally start caring about the bot situation. This could’ve been quickly resolved by Blizzard months back while the bots were mainly confined in one mode but now it’s getting out of control. Totally not surprised by this.
This is a chronic problem in bronze EU. They just run at you then pause and let you kill them. It’s bizarre. And they often queue as a group.
There’s another bot model that queues as 4 and plays very basic. They should lose to even the bronzest of players. They tend to have generic 4-5 random-letter names, but not always. They tend to have the same awful DPS as each other, approx 500 per round.
Yes, they are bots. I have come across ranked games with bots in them, for forever. From where I started out in Bronze, to where I am now in Gold. I still get matches with bots, regularly.
That being said, there are no bots in ranked or quick play games. Unless you are in your first 5 or so games on a fresh account (or playing Marvel Rivals quick play).
You will be encountering people deranking. Or just playing badly (far too many people call people playing bots these days).
Bruh, with all due respect, call these what ever the heck you want to call them. “Bots”, “AI”, “non-player controlled” whatever. The only real player on that team is the Pharah. And I have been coming across these games regularly, with “bots” like these.
Also, how do you know there are not any bots in any unranked or ranked matches? Can you provide evidence of this?
Sometimes they are a 5 stack, other times I am on a team with 3 or 4 of them, sometimes it is only the tank, and the tank would walk out of spawn and into a wall and stand there all game.
Lets not focus on semantics. Fact is, a lot of people come across these in a lot of their games, and it ruins the games and the ranked progression of people.