Brig... A Question

Why aren’t people playing her in the low ranks (gold and below).

I’ve played about 20 matches today. Seen her once (when I played her)… What reasons do you (if you’re low ranked) believe she isn’t played?

You need to have a bit of experience with her to know what you can get away with, otherwise you’re just feeding.

Also, Brigitte is more useful if the team plays around her. AoE healing/Rally isn’t that useful if hog is feeding at the enemy spawn, rein is charging into a 1v4, and the dps go on a sight seeing tour.


So if low ELO players, just kept it simple and stuck together… She’d be very strong.

I think that is a good lesson based on the games I’ve been watching in the bottom 2 ranks.

she doesn’t get played much in higher ranks either. zen is the go to off support these days.

if its not power level then its most likely just that she’s not fun for a lot of people. i personally don’t mind playing her once in a while but my god she can be mind numbing if you play her a lot.

Brig Zen is what you see a lot in the top top ranks though.

Unless double shield and it seems to be Brig Bap

Honestly, all a bronze/silver/gold team would need to win 80% of its games is staying together and not feeding.


Brig is played a ton in high elo. The meta comp is actually brig zen together. Its not a super hard meta but most t500 players agree its one of the strongest comps. This vid will explain how it works:

brig typically never wants to fight, she will soley assist others.
shieldbash is practically useless in a fight on your own and is more for interrupting abilities or moving away from enemies unless you’re with an ally in which it serves to serve up the enemy for your ally.
the shield is mostly there for emergency to not get one-shot when you’re in a bad position aka alone vs an enemy.

the best ability brig has is whipshot because it displaces the enemy away from you to keep you safe and it can displace enemies into unfavourable spots, it also serves as a decent way to finish off enemies.

the moment you need to use brigs normal swing attacks it’s basically using your last resort to stay alive, kind of similar to how mercy has no one to guardian angel to and have to use her pistol.

ideally you want to stay at max distance of whipshot always.
there’s 2 reasons for that.

  1. is most of the game is ranged base and you don’t want to open up more angles on you than you can afford because her shield doesn’t cover side angles.
  2. allies you want to protect will be around the same space as your max distance whipshot.

ideally you want to stand a decent distance away from your tank because they will draw the most enemy fire, but one of the things you do want to do is deal with enemies trying to flank your tanks by whipshotting them.

a good rule of thumb is that your inspire radius is the same distance as your whipshot length, this will give you a good understanding of your actual positioning because you’d ideally want to inspire as many of your own team as possible when it does procc.

you do not want to stand right next to your other support, but you want to be close by enough to intercept enemies coming for either you or them so you and your other support can help deal with them.

brig is the most passive support in the game and simply deter enemies by simply existing when played correctly.

but because brig doesn’t have amazing range or good mobility her positioning is crucial to get any benefit out of her at all.

as for rally and repair packs, do not use repair packs on tanks, and rally is best served to everyone except tanks, but it shouldn’t be an issue to give them some armor aswell since you’re probably armoring up right before an engagement anyways.

i’ve tried playing around with the speed buff brig gets during rally but really it only serves to be able to run and assist others quicker.

damage wise she’s the weakest support, defensive wise she’s the fourth strongest, offensive wise she’s just last.
the only thing that makes her any good is amount of things she’s got.
they are all pretty weak but combined together it makes her quite survivable and in extension others.

i would not recommend playing brig in any uncoordinated game as her weak self defense will really show if you do not have a team that have your back as much as you have theirs and playing brig too defensively will diminish any and all positives you could get out of them compared to any other support.

speaking in strictly meta terms yeah, but you’d be hard pressed to find a game where someone wouldn’t play main heal since ana is one of if not most popular hero in the game.

most top500 players dont care about meta dude. they aknowledge it and maybe run a mirror if the enemy walks out with the meta comp but ive been there, people are good enough to make whatever they want to play work and that means you get an ana if you arent playing double barrier.

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Every t500 stream I watch starts off with “don’t care” comps… Till one team remembers winning is important then it goes to double shield mirrors. Apart from on certain maps of course.

They want to have fun, but if one team breaks and goes double shield, youre pretty stuffed if you don’t mirror.

I honestly have no reason. I play in gold/plat and she’s just one of those heroes I just never play. I guess I’m just not drawn to her kit and don’t see any scenarios where I could be good at her, or better than my actual support mains.

Same with other classes. I never play Torb for example. Maybe in 4 years I’ve played him just a couple times in comp. Same with Rein in tank class. I envy people who can play him well, I just can’t.

The only times I remember thinking I wish we had a Brig was during season 10 where she was meta and Rein/Zar/Brig/Hanzo was pretty much unstoppable, leading to multiple nerfs all around.


I’ve been playing Lucio a lot more lately. A lot of fun on the right maps.

I 100% agree. Play what you feel happiest on.

Personally I know which heroes I enjoy, but I also make sure I’m at least competent on the heroes that are strong on each patch.

But my query comes from a playing games where have Ana Mercy backline, then they start complaining about a tracer or genji on them.

Now in my head, when I’m playing support is keep the other support alive. So if it’s me, the mercy should play brig and bodyguard the Ana while they pocket tanks for faster nanos.

I always like to think about the utility that’s on the table, not just the raw healing. You are supports, not healers after all.

That’s before you get into Rally being one of the strongest ults in the game, if played correctly.

But this is just me, after every game I look at what was played, and think “if that was me, what would I have done and would it be better”. In an attempt to learn from everyone.

@Greetings RodimusPrime , I see Brigitte more then that tbh,atm am beetwen Silver and Bronze I mean previous season now is a new one didnt pleyd yet my 5 games for placment.I can answer you from my oppinion ,near Mercy and Moira you don’t need you anything that’s work if u a New player,if u are old one,and on low ranks , well I belive she requared skill,skill from your team ,and from you,and depend which map is it.But if u have a good team,she is really good,I had chance to see some Brig they even carry the game lolz.If u have a bad team,I mean team that they are there for fun like me for example,then you have to lead your team to give some tactics,instructions for engage and stuffs like that…Overall I like her.

Same for me. I just don’t really find her fun in comparison to others like Lucio, Moira and Ana, even Bap is fun also.

She is utterly and completely boring. Simple as that.

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100%, she’s the last healer I’d play.

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She doesn’t work in silver, this is fair.

She works exceptionally well, and is fun, in higher ranks where people play the basics (like comps, positioning and such) more efficiently.

It’s quite fun to play “protect the president” when your other support plays Zen, or even Ana. Just let them pop off.

Brig requires you to read the game a lot more than other supports do, which doesn’t come naturally to some players, so I can understand why that wouldn’t be as fun. The impact isn’t quite as visual and sudden.

Simple summing up of her. Overpowered, yet underrated.

A note that will help Versorius…

They are supports, not healers.

The kit they bring to the comp is what’s important. Not raw healing.

you cant exactly play her like she originally was, a brawler. her kit IS designed to be a brawly healer until she was reworked to be a back line healer. people in the lower ranks both don’t know how to play her effectively + look at her kit and think “oh she’s a melee hero with a shield and a stun, she’s clearly a brawler so i can be in the frontlines” in which they get killed because she’s not meant to be played as a frontline tank anymore

she defiantly works in lower ranks, it’s just the players down there don’t know how to play with her properly (such as they’ll run brig/mercy instead of comps like brig/bap or brig/zen or ana)


most of what I’ve seen is lower ranked players don’t understand how to play her.

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I actually, really enjoy playing brig just literally impossible to get value with her at my rank so I just play ana, bap, and zen. Easier to get value.