Brigette is op and she needs nerfing or deleting. Her shield bash is too much. You have added too many ability’s to hero’s that make you unable to move for a short while. For example Brigette’s shield bash. This makes the game highly annoying to play when the enemy team has a few hero’s like this and you play against them. For example roadhog brigette and mcree. The roadhog hooks you (that’s fine) then briggete shields bash you and then mcree flashbangs you and this happens every fight. If you keep on adding hero’s which have these abilitys you will ruin the game even more. What I think you should do is to give brigette a different ability to shield bash and this would make her not annoying to play against. Also look at other characters abilitys like this also eg Doomfist. You have too many of these in this game and some need to be removed and replaced with another ability unlike this.
brigitte shield bash is not the problem its her supports gimick the problem is that she is too tanky to have this ability maybe if they just removed the 50 armor and she had 200 hp this would be fine as if she does go for a shield bash in bad times she will die fast.
Her bash should break her shield for like 2 or 3 seconds, and begin recharging at 50% of whatever value it was at prior to using the stun.
This would make the thought process slightly more calculating than just using every 6/7 seconds, no f***s given like it is at the moment.
Cooldown of 6 seconds (once shield is usable again) wouldn’t be so damn obnoxious then.
The only thing in my eyes, is how her shield bash functions. The cooldowns are fine tbh, and she’s not that OP. I just think she shouldn’t be able to stun a charging Rein, and they should both get knocked down. Same with doomfist.
my idea is to make shield bash break her shield or do like 300-400 dmg to it so it makes the brig have to actually use their brain while playing.
The shield bash is what her make useful.
She is kind of the only char who will hard counter dive.
Other stuns in the game are just to weak to counter it.
Also as a hero she is kind of easy to play around her so she is just a waste (usually a healer spot) and win fights because they play with a bad comp.
When more players start to learn how to deal with her she will be only played when the enemy has annoying divers/flankers and you want to protect your back line.(already happening in the top tiers)
She is not easy to play around because of triple support you can play around her all you want but if she is on the objective then that is why she is so strong have you seen a lucio moira brig on a payload map the self heals is insane and she is so tanky you cant even dive her.
brigitte shield bash is not the problem its her supports gimick the problem is that she is too tanky to have this ability maybe if they just removed the 50 armor and she had 200 hp this would be fine as if she does go for a shield bash in bad times she will die fast.