Bronze 5 Jail, no one cares

I opened a ticket a few days ago that I was asking for help because i’m stuck in B5 jail. Now I logged in to see what’s my ticket’s status and what do I see? My ticket does not exist!?!?!?

Dude, are you ignoring me or something?

This is a video which explains my agony. You guys don’t care appearently but I am desperate…!


No one cares.


I’m in the same situation. This needs looking at.

Divisions are split into 100 SR brackets. 2000 is Gold 5, 2100 is Gold 4, etc.
Bronze 1 is 1400.
Bronze 5 is 1000 and everything below that.

So how can you have 11 net positive wins without ranking up? 15 * 25 SR = 275 SR. So if you had ~500 SR, you are now at ~775 SR, which is still Bronze 5.

All that is supposing you have 11 net positive wins on one role, btw. If you split it between the 3 roles and open queue, it’ll take much, much longer.