Bug with ashe's primary fire?

This issue has been going on for weeks now and it’s really bugging me. So you know how when ashe is in unscoped mode, you just have to hold down the primary fire button to get her to shoot? well, for some reason, she’s not doing that anymore. i have to manually keep tapping the button in order to get her to fire successively (scoped mode is working as intended). it’s like this in quick play, practice range, mystery heroes, everything - which really sucks because i want to main her since damage is probably my weakest role and i want to improve (i’m a support main). i’m too nervous to contact tech support bc they’ll probably just brush me off. has anyone else had this problem? and have they been able to fix it? i play on the switch if that’s relevant

Maybe there’s an option to turn the consecutive shooting on in the options menu. A lot of quality of life settings can be found from there.