Call it whatever you want

Elo Hell, Losers queue, hard stuck, forced ranking etc - It exists.
It has been confirmed by Blizz after May update. Just Google it.

Main account, diamond top rank - All of a sudden; Can’t get out of silver.
I start playing the first placement games of the season, winning and shredding enemy team, making a big impact.
Estimated rank: Bronze.

I try a second account, same performance - Instant gold.

And this is not the only season I’ve tried it.

On account 1 I get to fight loads of smurfs, bots and low ranked on my team.
Making me lose game after game.
On account 2 I get way more balanced games, making it possible for me to progress.

This is not imagination or me doing something different on each account.
This is facts, and I just want to share my experience.

I’m not interested in a discussion with Blizzard-rear-licking-moderator-wannabes and self claimed experts that pull incorrect facts out of their rear, without providing any background, proof or source.

Case closed!

Now, play they game if you want and live with it, since it’s a free game.
Blizz don’t owe us anything.

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None of this exists.

As you pointed it out…

Perception is the key word there.

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@OP, what you mean is probably that the system makes games fair by putting in much worse players in the same team as much better players to get an average team power that matches on both sides, which causes trash matches tho.
Instead of raising the bar so both teams have players that match roughly the best player on each team.

Like now our match has this 1 dps who has about 1/4 the damage and the other team has a tank who feeds so in theory teams are balanced by placing 1 trash player in each. Well didnt go well for them cause tank is much more valuable, but you get the idea.

It can’t do that. It’ll just pick people on their MMR.

You’re mistaking performance for skill.

Sometimes, players will just have a stinker. You can watch even the best players on stream sometimes just get nothing done.

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That’s what I mean @ MMR. The mmr diffs allowed within the same match are just so big that between best and worst player on a team the diff is perceived as huge.

Only where stacks are involved. And if they are outside usual tolerance, you’re stuck in a stupid long queue and only playing again other stacks wasting their lives away on long queues.

In a “normal” match, the range of MMR is pretty tight.

A lot of issues come from the fact that humans do human things. Weird stuff happens, people give up, they throw, they make mistakes, or just have a bad (sometimes very bad) game.

If we can iron out that (basically impossible) then a lot of the scuffed games will vanish. But at that point you need people to play like robots, and I doubt that’ll be very fun.

Part of what makes OW fun is no 2 matches are the same. Wacky things happen.

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Given they are looking into 6v6 shows the game has many other issues, even after two years. The game is also not as well coded as Overwatch either given there are performance issues with running 6v6.