Can I drop SR without throwing?

This is a very weird request but I haven’t played overwatch in over 4 months because I have no one to play comp with. All of my friends stopped playing and now the only person that I can play with is my girlfriend but her SR is about 400 lower than mine so I can’t play with her. I thought that maybe not playing would gradually lower my SR but that doesn’t seem like the case. Is there anyway to lower my SR without throwing because I would rather not play the game then ruin someone elses’s fun.

P.S. I play on PS4


If you’re above 3000 sr then you can just stop playing and you’ll drop down to 3000. If not then I’d recommend playing a tank or support that you’ve never played before.


Play a hero that is meta and played a lot within the community… You’ll drop more sr for loosing and go up less if you win and have a kind of bad game.

As long you play to win you aren’t throwing, just take a 5 minute break after losing a game so you don’t drag down people with you in case you cannot win 50% of your games.

He wants to lose games. That’s the entire point of this thread

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Indeed and that is throwing.

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That’s not how it works.

If your GM or above the limit is 250SR. Then you can just not play and decay. If your Master or below then its 500SR or more so you can play.

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Well blame blizzard for being unable to play with your friends

There is more than one game mode, plenty. There is only one mdoe you cant group if your too far apart.


Yep, and what if that’s what they want to play ?

So your saying that its ok for bronze and t500 to group up?


Yes, because we both now that that is what I mean. With people wanting to play with friends.

I think the 1k cap for under master is way too wide. 500 for master is good and 250 for gm+. So what do you mean? Maybe 1500 would be nice then?

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Sure, in my opinion there are very few differences between someone who’s at 1000 sr or someone who’s at 2500. There is also the route were in a full team there wouldn’t be any rank restrictions which is in my opinion the better choice

Yeah sure lower ranks have less difference between lets say 100sr than a gm 100sr difference. But saying there is few differences between low bronze and borderline gold is just not true. Ive never seen low as 1k but ive seen bronze and I can tell you already 1k difference there matters a lot ie. 1.5k vs 2.5k and I highly doubt the 1ks are some how better than 1.5ks.


That is no reason to throw.

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Well for me it would be. If blizzard is unable to make it so that you can play comp with your friends then there isn’t much else to do.

Except of course buy a new copy but I’d rather not

what are your sr?

I see three methods, one being bad and all but hey your the one taking the risk.
1- both of you decay until low diam if you are above
2- wait until season end and play the placement match together, maybe babysit your girlfriend by playing support so your win and loss will be more linked to her performance. (yet the placement system doesn’t garanti that the final place will be close enougth).

3- play on your GF account until it reach a reasonnable sr. but then your gf might struggle to keep it, especially when playing alone. but 400sr isn’t that much so why not.

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maybe use the group finder to get team of people wanting to try exotic heros rather than their main. so more chance to loose but you can train at the same time.

finally, convice blizzard to include a separate group ranking.