Can I trade my new Ashe skin for that Mercy doc one?

I missed out on the Mercy event and didn’t get the skin.

I got the Ashe event done but the skin looks like trash compared to that awesome Mercy one.

If it’s possible to trade I’d really appreciate it.

I don’t normally play as a healer but that skin would actually get me to start.

I don’t mind paying for it either if that’s a possibility.

Actually not a bad idea. Trade owned skins in for new ones.

Probably a simple system to implement, which means it’ll never happen lol.


I’ll throw in that horrific new Symmetra skin too.

I think a lot of people are misunderstanding the relevance of Sym’s new skin…

I believe in India (where sym is from) there is a festival of colour, where they all throw powdered dyes and paints over eachother? in celebration of something… which im not sure what…

at any rate I believe that’s why she has that skin

not my personal taste but a reason “why” perhaps

If they let you trade-in, you wouldn’t purchase lootboxes because you get what you want. The idea is that you don’t get what you want so you’ll buy more.

I’m willing to sweeten the deal and trade in the Torbjorn rustclad skin too.

Not too shabby a deal tbh, a 3 for 1 - pretty magnanimous of me.