Can someone explain how is this possible

It’s so sad that you want to “prove it” by talking to yourself :joy:

It’s so sad that your so caught up in your own conspiracy theory that you keep prattling on about it, despite being given the chance to be disproven and get closure for your broken heart.

You’re not a very bright little pickle are you. Has your “friend, Nightwing” stopped playing? :c Sad times

I have only befriended him since your accusations, so I could find both sides of the story.

But no, he doesn’t seem to play the game, certainly hasn’t since I added him. Saw once he was in Warzone.

But have only exchanged a couple of messages lining up a group chat with yourself. As you can do groups in battlenet.

Hmm, I’m active on the forums so I know the “insult” thing is not really true. I saw his interactions with you and others and I never saw him hurling around insults, he was just v opinionated and didn’t back down on his views.

So I’m guessing those people just mass reported him and got him banned for him having his own views, which is sad, because if you can’t stand others having different views and arguing points then what’s the point of a discussion forum?


Not being funny but you need to wake up a little. He has plenty of people that dislike him, which is why he had mass reportings, and the fact you’re falling for his “new account” scam, and now defending him with his behavior, says a lot really. People can see he’s a major troll typing what he does for reactions because, he’s bored? People on the forums have picked up on it, they know it’s “Nightwing”, but if you want to keep making “lover jokes” and taking side of a major troll then by all means, have fun with that.

I just find it desperately sad that you have this narrative and are unwilling to accept it when someone is handing you the truth.

You’ve become blinded by your dislike of someone. And I will forever mock you for it, because you have shown yourself to be a bit pathetic because of it.

I’ve been through and looked at old posts, and maybe you should look into mirror when trying to find out who was that bad egg in your relationship with Nightwing.

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Oh fret I adore you!!

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If people are stupid enough to fall for it, then so be it. Have fun.

The only person “falling” for something is you my friend.

You have created your own narrative and have fallen down the rabbit hole of your own creation.

Tried to help you, but you are being childish and belligerent.

So you have 2 options.

  1. add me and we can sort this out in private and not annoy others with your trolling.
  2. you can get over it and move on and stop annoying others with your trolling.

I don’t deny that he may have made multiple accounts. I don’t really care about that and if anyone else does care that much about an old member returning then that’s petty.

I care about if someone is actually insulting others, if they are they being racist, sexist, a bully, and so forth. I’ll be the first to call out such behavior.

Again, with NW I just saw someone who disagreed with a lot of people, esp regarding smurfs and cheaters ruining the game, etc. I didn’t see someone throwing around insults or such.

I stand by my theory, that many members didn’t like someone disagreeing with them over and over so instead of just ignoring him, they mass reported, and as we all know, the Overwatch report system isn’t individual based, it works off a tick system, so x number of reports and viola, the member is banned over and over until it’s permanent.

The whole thing is kinda silly and defeats the purpose of a forum where we can all communicate and disagree on stuff, wouldn’t you say so?