Can we talk about genji buffs? i think he is still weak

5 buff in a row isnt enough for genji. ofcourse you can 1 shot people rc dash rc combo without stress but i think he need like doomfist passive. when he dash people he can get 100 or 150 armor himself ?

no man he should be made of 100% armor in the first place… because you know the lore says so and its obvious

genji doesn’t need ANOTHER buff, he’s already dominant in mid tiers

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If you buff his dmg again, it needs to come at a cost. He shouldn’t be able to spam from distance. He should be good dmg right up in peoples faces.

In short. I’d give him pretty high fall off dmg. So he can’t spam from distance.

Why dont we give him Pharah rockets instead of shurikens?

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But with the projectile speed of a hitscan and no self damage otherwise that would be a nerf.

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how about making dragon blade longer and infinite dashes, I think that seems about right

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Genji needs an ultimate cost increase, not a buff xd. Get better my guy

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It is an irony :unamused:

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did someone take this post seriously, xd, you really need to get your humour checked my friend

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are you sick? or just stupid?