Can you even climb as support?

I play Mercy, Moira, Ana and occasionally Lucio and Brigitte. I was 1200 when I first started playing, since then I’ve dropped (?) to 900. Is it even possible to climb as support? Even QP is much more fun than competitive now, at least in quick play people endorse you for healing them. Instead in competitive you get yelled at because you apparently didn’t heal them well even though they NEVER should’ve been overextending. I’m just sick of playing with people who don’t even know what ‘‘gamesense’’ means, or where they SHOULDN’T go.

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It’s easier to climb as support than it is as a DPS. As a DPS, your team comp will automatically be worse (0-0-6 instead of 0-1-5 most likely^^), and off supports (Lucio, Brig, Zen) have a much bigger impact on the game than DPS. One possible trick is to pick Lucio and drop the “I can heal you as long as you stick with me.” line in text or voice chat. There will still be obnoxious “I need healing”-spammers that never picked a support in their lives so they don’t know how they work, but that goes for every team.^^

Yes, you can

I’m a support main and will play whichever support best suits the team. I started in low gold and I’ve climbed to plat. It was mainly due to me spending time looking at my play and making sure I was in the right position.

It can be difficult given the teams you can end up with sometimes, but if you focus on doing your job as a support you will find yourself winning more games than you lose.

Well… I know your problem in low ranks you have mostly the problem you simply get DD’s who don’t get ANY kills and if you switch to DD they refuse to get healer or tank… That makes sometimes hard loosing sprees. So if you are healer in low ranks and have DD’s all time who don’t protect you, you can only try to stay back back back and just protect your own life mainly… sometimes they get a lucky ult and you be back in game.

At the moment probably main tank is the easiest to climb out of the lower ranks.
A main tank who knows how to create space for the dps, or follow up/close the gap, is very important for the dps to do damage.
In gold it is only in like 1 every 10 solo queue games that i see a good main tank.(luckily i can group up some times with a friend who main rain who was diamond -> these games are so much better).

I think for healers it is important to always have someone who can help protect you is very important. Like an off tank, or a stunner or even another healer with boop and speed. If none of your team is doing this and you got dived a lot and killed it is better to swap to a healer with more survivability. Being a healer these days, you should be able to also to play more then 1 healer. If your main isnt working you should swap.

But there are lots of healer mains and they are more depended on the rest of the group then a tank or even a dps. So yes it will be harder to climb with them. Paying a lot more attention on who you group with is as healer very important.
Don’t group with crappy(one trick) dps, And i know it is rare in lower ranks, but try to find groups with a good main tank(most important to win).

As a 4.1k Ana main, I can tell you that it is your fault your teammates are dying. They may be overextending, but you’re at fault for not repositioning so that you are able to keep them alive.

I can fully empathise.

At low ELO you win games by fragging out. Even shield tanking can be unrewarding, given how often team mates surge ahead of your barriers to be picked off.

I’m liking Lucio at the moment as he has very high frag potential. A good Lucio can hold his own vs. Genji and Tracer, and can solo enemy supports such as Ana or Zen. But you need to practice lots of death match with him to get the mechanics down.

He also has the speed to keep up with and support over extending team mates, turning a solo suicide attack into a surgical strike deep into enemy territory.

Watch videos by a YouTuber called Eskay. His mechanics are sick. As a lower ELO player, lacking his game sense and mechanics I tend to stick more with the team than him. But definitely something to aspire to.

Let me tell you something which I have seen at everyone who started playing OW, just like me:
If you rank yourself for the first time, the system will put you in a higher elo than you belong. Because of that, you will drop likely after that.
It was the same with me, started ranked and played Mercy and I was trash, but still got ranked in silver. Then I dropped to bronze and got out of that in the next season.


Climbing as support should be easier than the other two roles.

Ask yourself these :
Are you ever out of position?
Are you throwing away cooldowns?
Are you using your ultimates at opportune times?

Climbing as a support is 100% possible.

^ is your problem. Assuming it’s other people’s fault. In bronze, everyone has bad gamesense, but by having slightly better postionning and gamesense than everyone else , you can carry.

You have to put improving above climbing, and that starts with not blaming others. There is always, always something you could have done better, from bronze to the pro level. Yes your team can make mistakes so can you, and I can guarantee that you’re making tons of them -and that’s okay-

If people overextend, the only thing you can do about it is to not put yourself unnecessarily in danger. Your life is more important.

You also have to understand the different between downright overextending and , for example, tracer going on a flank/ your rein moving forward to make space.

You also need to know that supports are not heal bots and provide some other form of utility trough their abilities.

What I would advise you to do , would be to send a vod for a coach to review. If you decide to do that, tell me, I’m even willing to play some games with you and help during a game (no I’m not offering to boost, I’m just going to play a complementary support to the one he/she picks)

General support advice :

  • use your abilities proactively rather than reactively (unless you’re anticipating say, a grav and save your nade for that)

twitch. tv/spilo/clip/DeafIronicWatermelonAMPEnergy
^ this applies to all supports. If you’re not using damage boost, only using nades to heal yourself, never use speedboost etc… you’re not going to win

  • positionning is very very important as a support, you want to stay away from danger as much as possible, it seems simple like this , but that meas you need to stay in the backline or with your dps, nowehere near the frontline

It’s easier to climb as support than it is as a DPS. As a DPS, your team comp will automatically be worse (0-0-6 instead of 0-1-5 most likely^^), and off supports (Lucio, Brig, Zen) have a much bigger impact on the game than DPS. One possible trick is to pick Lucio and drop the “I can heal you as long as you stick with me.” line in text or voice chat. There will still be obnoxious “I need healing”-spammers that never picked a support in their lives so they don’t know how they work, but that goes for every team.^^