Can you see your W/L's somewhere?

Sorry if this is a really dumb question. I’ve been trying ranked again after a bit of a break since I heard they fixed the b5 issue (as someone who is actually b5, its been rough fighting people who are far better than me).

Now, since it’s been a while, I don’t quite remember how many wins and losses I had for this streak. Is there a way to check that, or would I have to keep track of that myself?

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This isn’t available.

It really needs to be shown in the menu when you queue.

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Somewhere like Career Profile > History > Replays
But this only shows the stuff since the latest patch - if this helps?

It really doesn’t. Patches can affect the game/remove metas/remove heros, so results are removed to reduce skew/bias.

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What that got to do with having a visible 7 win counter that resets every time you get 7 wins.

Meta is irrelevant in that.

If I log in and see I only need 1 win on a role, I’m more likely to queue that role for a bit to get it.

Go to career profile and look at your comp statistics, it will show total games played that season and you can do the math yourself with the wins. every 7 wins is a rank up so see how many you have currently and divide by 7. losses are harder to calculate unfortunately.