Can't BELIEVE how good cloud gaming is now!

Just being able to play Overwatch competitively and have the game look just like it would if I ran it natively on my system - never thought we’d come this far this quick…

It looks so clean… Genuinely you wouldn’t know the difference…


How? Is the cloud gaming system being run on a high end device? Im sure the average setup would struggle. My xbox for instance cant even establish a connection half the time

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Boosteroid Ultra tier has AMD GPU 7800 XT with AMD Epyc CPU from what I recall…

Looks so clean it’s actually insane…

Xbox cloud gaming is rubbish but can’t go wrong with GFN!

System doesn’t need to be that good just needs to be able to decode H265 video and ideally you want Ethernet cable setup obviously all depends on your connection!


I like your magic words, but they mean nothing to me. My rough translation is
“Ultra part of computer and Epic CPU makes it look clean. Xbox Cloud is bad but if system can translate video and great wifi you good”
Which if i translated to me terms correctly is above the average consumer right?
Although I cannot disagee with your initial point as it is not the cloud gamings issue, it is the hardware issue most people like myself face

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In theory all you need (to do cloud gaming) is a Fire Stick and those go for ~£50!

Unfortunately I don’t think it supports Boosteroid or GFN just yet…

(Those are the two best cloud gaming providers right now…)

If you want something a bit more advanced then might want to look at the NVIDIA shield TV which will run you about £150 and supports GFN…

But personally I just use it on my laptop and my Mac which isn’t really a high end Mac!


What is a GFN. as its in your name? i thought it was something you nicknamed or something


Speaking with you I think I’ve identified a problem with cloud gaming and why it’s not taking off as much as it could…

I think it’s too confusing for the average consumer to get on board with…

The biggest draw of cloud gaming is that you can use it with almost any device but that’s also a downside in the sense that I can’t recommend you one particular piece of hardware…

Like console gaming is simple and I could tell you to go out and buy an Xbox but if I was talking to someone who’d never heard of cloud gaming and wanted to get into it?

Honestly not sure where I’d start…

So yeah I can see why it might be confusing for people…

PC has established itself as being the enthusiast sector so people already know that they’ll get different experiences with different pieces of hardware…

But in order for cloud gaming to take off it needs to appeal to non-technical people (otherwise the growth will be limited - people who are already into gaming probably already own a console or gaming capable PC)

So it’s a difficult problem to solve…

Which is unfortunate because the technology is truly remarkable…

I think this hurdle is probably a bigger hurdle than the technical one of needing a good connection (I think this problem will solve itself over time naturally)…


I would say GeForce NOW, a platform for cloud gaming.

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Well the point of cloud gaming i see it as is to run the game on a remote console or in the cloud, and display it on a tv. With the rate of technology at wat point will cloud gaming become obsolete as smart TVs can run it on their own hardware, needing not the wifi or cloud to run?

It is a solid platform. But the cost and time caps are a barrier.

There is a free option, but it caps you at 1 hour. Rendering it utterly pointless for anything more than a quick test.

Ahh nice, curious to test that in a low end linux laptop xd

We’re already at the point where an iPad could in theory run Overwatch - the question is: is your TV going to be powerful enough or on the right operating system to run full AAA games and would developers take the time to port games to your TV?

I think we’re a while away from that?

But you can run lots of games natively on Apple TV which I could see there being an actual Apple TV with the thing built in…

I don’t see cloud gaming becoming obsolete because a dedicated device would always have more power and there’s always going to be a demand to run high end games at high fidelity…

Definitely give it a try I use it all the time even play competitive on it…

You can fit about three games of comp open Q in a one hour session so it’s actually really good…

Had my fair share of suspensions because I forgot about the timer…

But if you really want to see what cloud gaming is capable of get the Ultimate Tier it’s half price right now!

:smirk_cat: :point_up_2:

Yeah the free option will be good for that. Just got to keep it under an hour, and hope the ads don’t annoy you.

Discount on the paid options, but at full price the £20 a month for ultimate is probably not worth it.

I might have spoken too early because according to an interview Boosteroid actually has over half a million monthly active users which is insane!

And Xbox cloud gaming is the biggest growing sector in the entirety of Xbox!
