Carry me please, lol

I’m a rank 2100 and I’d really like to join a good team so that I can learn better techniques and stuff like that.
The team I play with right now isn’t the best, so I can’t play at full potential.
I’m 17, female and I speak good english (my PSN is AngelaBRN).
Main: Zenyatta. I also play Moira and Mercy.
I know it looks selfish but I really want to play at high ranks. I mean, at least plat/diamond.

Hey, i’m 14 female (FYI I sound like a boy) im around 2100 and could help. My mains are Mercy, D.VA and Sombra. My PSN is Alyssa04496

My sr is 2700 ( mid plat )
psn: RIP-Roadhog-
add if ur interested

Add GreyFoxCritical. I’m diamond but that’s my gold account. 22 from the UK

Well, not sure that anyone’s still paying attention to this, but if someone is and wants to add me my psn id is aj10phenom, my sr is around 2300 but i was plat last season. Basically i’m trying to get back to plat at least.

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