Cassidy is still broken

I thought the nerf would eliminate the one shot grenade combo but no about 5 days after the season 4 launch i played against a Cassidy player.He just fired 2 bullets with his alt fire and just throws the nade.It has no diffrence at all and this might even have a faster time to kill.This ability should not exist in my opinion.Before replying please test this by yourself on the practice range.You will get what i mean

The change they made to it is a start, but i would call for a longer cooldown or less damage on it. That could help make it feel fairer.

Hanzo, Cassidy, and Genji are so-called “Bully heroes”, loved by gankers. Blizzard knows this, so they make them OP on purpose.
And then they feed low ranks to the smurfs streamers playing them.

Again i ask, are you okay?

Remember when they took away scatter arrow so hanzo couldn’t oneshot tanks?

They just nerfed the flash grenade on cassidy (not enough, but it’s a start).

Genji’s dmg per projectile got nerfed in season 2 and the amount too. Now only the good genji players dominate games. (And usually only because the other team doesn’t focus him down)

No one has ever coined this. It isn’t a thing.

What on earth have streamers got to do with it.

The game sucks right now for a much simpler reason.

Is it new players or smurfs you’re upset with…

Where did you read the part of me being upset?
Voices in your head again?


You necro’d a post to talk cry about smurfing having something to with streamers. then blamed streamers for new players.

I think your complaint was a little confused.

Also. Please don’t necro posts. It will just get you in more trouble.

“more trouble”?
What trouble are you referring to?

No answer to that? I’m very curious to know what you mean.

Hello? Do you mind explaining that?
Or should I just take it as you just made a big mistake, saying a bit more than you should have? :wink:

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Necroing a thread is against the TOS no matter who started the thread originally.
And replying after a year is definitely necro posting.

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I have him on ignore. Didn’t realise he was keen for a reply lol.

Simple… It is in the “please read” post, that you should have taken heed of.

"Don’t “bump” posts.

The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping very old threads for no reason (called “necro bumping” or “necroing”). Users who are found to be bumping posts will be subject to forum account suspension and post removal."

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No no, it’s not that simple at all. What I want to know, is why you wrote “MORE trouble”. Are you just guessing again? Or is there more to it?