Cassidy is terrible

As a Cassidy main, it feels horrible to play him right now. He’s next to useless, anything he can do another hero can do way better. There is no moment in the game where I think “Playing Cass here would be a great idea!”, in fact, anytime I’m playing as him, I just feel like I’m throwing.

I recently saw a realy good coal main who steam roles me as sigma in a gold 7 lobby on competitive
Other than that I never see my old main on the score boord
The magnet grande is kinda bad considering he suposed to be the hitscan person but I gess 76 gets healix rocket and widow that weer gas thing
But I swere in the new motions he was so bad in Toronto I died as him in normal mode
And I actaly played good on him

Since your making the forum for this
Any idias on how to balance him
Ide love a good back and forth about it