Chat reporting shouldnt suspend gameplay

  1. You guys are the worst company to ever exist. How about instead of suspending me for “abusive chat” you make your game better. Or maybe ban cheaters instead??? Do I need to remind you chat is not enabled by default. And there is a censor by default. If someone turns on the chat and takes of the sensor they are at fault. If they did not want to see these types of things they should have never enabled chat. Oh and maybe bring back your lore team??? You guys laid off so many god damn people for no reason other than to make overwatch a micro transaction. The entire game is a micro transaction. So how about instead of being a soft baby, you work on the game and the monetization instead. AND you haven’t even given venture a skin yet. You guys need to do your actual jobs instead of worrying about people cursing in chat when people willingly turned off the sensor.

It feels like it might have been deserved.


Thank god players like you are banned

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