Cheaters Surge in The middle east server "Europe''

Cheater in the past two to three weeks has increased enormously. My main game is overwatch Even though I dont agree with the decisions you guys are making but i can at least expect a way to fight the cheaters. there are so many types and there are accounts in tiktok sells them . That enhance aim assist that able to increase and decrease whenever needed. In the Middle East every one to two game I encounter a cheater… Please look for a solution

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Since they merged servers, it is EU region. So, yes, cheaters are everywhere. In every single damn game.

They didn’t merge servers.

They moved to “server globalisation”, so that you get the most appropriate server for the lobby you are in. There are still 3 EU servers.

yes I agree they are everywhere, but not in this quantity.

give us a replay code then

This was my last game he rage hacked when tank switched to Mauga. He said in game chat I got 80 report and have not been banned yet. Also, he added that I have 1000 account. He played Hanzo & sol 76

europe console servers are full off xim players. fed up

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