Clash Trial needs Role Queue

The Clash trial is here which I’m happy about and the mode seems like it could be fun. However it’s currently in the Arcade section which means there is no limits on roles. This means most the games are just chaotic and terrible because you’ll end up being on a team where everyone wants to be DPS against a team where everyone wants to be a tank. This doesn’t allow you to actually see what the new gamemode will play like or feel like. I want to play the new mode and map because it seems cool but every match i’ve tried so far I just hate every second because the game just turns to chaos. I don’t like open queue I prefer role queue which means at the moment I can’t enjoy the new gamemode because as a solo player the chaos just makes it not fun.

I think they just want to test it to its limits… so it needs the dumbest comps possible, which can only come in the open queue format.

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I think it’s also in quickplay, by accident i assume. People have played the mode during normal play.

So far it’s very quick and chaotic. The maps feel squished and very crowded.

I half watched Emongg play a couple of games… Looks like the spawns and the point are really close so it is a semi constant fight.

Interesting to see how powerful spawn camping is going to be,

I don’t think spawn camping will be an issue. From the games ive played so far they are close and it is a constant fight but thats the point. The capture points aren’t like other modes. You don’t have to hold it you just have to cap it. So once the point is capped thats it its gone. So spawn camping wont be a thing because as soon as you cap the point the spawns move and the next point opens up. If you’re spawn camping you won’t win because to do it you have to avoid playing the objective

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Perhaps when there’s actual team communication that might happen.
So far it’s a constant brawl in several chokepoints.
A single person can hold a tiny choke if the teams don’t know the map and don’t manage a coordinated attack.

The tactic seems to be to keep the fight on the middle point so the enemy doesn’t get past you onto yours, while a flanker captures the point all alone.

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Thanks for letting me know. I haven’t paid enough attention to how the mode flows yet. Might try a few games at the weekend. Need to get some Ball practice in, I am very rusty.