Climbing in ranked

So I’ve had this issue with competitive where it’s almost impossible for me to climb. I’ve placed in high gold for a while and since I didn’t play comp for a while, I was placed in silver due to the new ranking system. I didn’t mind that until I noticed how toxic and unorganized silver and low gold was.

My issue is that everyone wants to play what they want to play and most people are playing for fun and not to actually rank up. This tier is basically a tier of trolls and a small batch of players that are just trying to climb out. I legitimately have played every night trying to climb out of low gold and I just keep getting dragged down by players who don’t want to play as a team. The only person that I’ve seen carry the whole team was Flow3r. I’m not him… I can’t carry a team of players that don’t want to try.

A lot of people will just say focus on fundamentals, play better, you just suck, or whatever. I’ve tried most things and I even focus on doing the job of the character I play. I can’t account for those who want to instalock Sombra and hack after everyone’s ults have already been used and 3/4s of her team is already dead. Even the tracers or genjis that dive and just die before the team is there.

If any one has actual advice on how to climb out of this silver/gold hell so I can actually play with the class of players I’m used to, please do let me know.


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Meta is to blame to be honest. The way to win is very clear - grav+dragon combo with a shield and a strong healer. If your team is playing against this and doesn’t run the same comp you are screwed.

Meta is not to blame, only babies say that.

Pick the hero you’re best with, and play. Your personal performance has a much bigger impact than composition or teamwork at that rank.


Ye thats why there is top 500 torbs and symms. If it was meta that you could blame all the torbs and symms would be stuck in bronze.

I checked the top500 in all 3 regions so 1500 players(ok, 1500 accounts, not players cause smurfing). Only one guy plays predominantly symmetra and torb. There are several other guys who pick them but they are not their go to mains.

Meanwhile the amount of Hanzo, Reinhardt, Brigitte and Zarya faces I saw was overwhelming.

Highly likely because you only searched for few last pages. Yeah there was only one guy in NA barely in top 500, but if you go few more pages forward you would find a pure symmetra OTP called Badaboo with 66h on symm 2h brigitte 24min soldier and rest are not even worth mentioning. There is even more, but I dont have to look them up since I already proved you wrong.

Sym has the highest winrate in GM though.

So only 1 is in top500 just as I said.

I thought you were talking about the guy who plays only symm & torb. But yeah w/e, you are in full denial so stay there. Btw thats already 2.

I think symmetra has held the highest win rate since like beta?

Well, it is 2 if you consider he plays both, thats true.

As for the Symmetra rework I am sure they are changing her because she is way too strong for GM.

Can’t be. Not possible.

Because of… METAH!!

Well you claim 1. Lies. I tell there is more. Now go do your home work.

Also the rework is because symmetra is more of a niche pick and doesent work that well on attack.

Anyways, even if there was only 1 symmetra or 1 torb player in top 500 (which is not even true, there is more) it would make your argument completely obsolete. By your agrument in this season in this meta every symm and torb would drop to bornze if they play enough. 66h game play is easily enough to drop from top 500 to bronze if you lose because of the “meta”.

The meta in silver/gold is not the same. Junk, mercy, moira, reaper,, rein etc.

Isn’t it weird how people try to defend the game by telling you to basically solo carry every game you play in this team based game, it’s almost like competitive isn’t team based, just 6 randoms doing random things and hoping for the best random outcome. Nice.

If you can’t play in the top 500 what’s the point in playing right

Noone’s said anything about carrying. Since everyone is running around doing their own lower ranks, it’s more important to do well individually than get a proper comp or expecting to get your team to back you. Composition implies teamwork and synergy, which isn’t there yet, for either team.

Since you have five individuals running around, if comes down to being the best individual in the game. That does not mean carry, it can be enough to get two elims per life when the rest get 1.5.

So what your saying is, it’s ok to have 4 DPS and no healers as long as you play well?

And in the long run, that’s what your average team comp looks like? Two tanks, no heals, in every single game? Or did you just decide to take one of the worst comps you could think of, and interpret what I’m saying as “If you do well individually, you will win no matter what the comp?”

One third of your matches you will win no matter what you do. One third you will lose no matter what you do. In the remaining third, your performance will affect the win-rate, and performing well in those will see you climb.

Long run, buddy. Long run.

I won a competitive game with 5 dps and 1 tank vs an enemy team with 2-2-2. So no the team comp doesn’t always matter. It’s not set in stone that you MUST have 2-2-2 in order to win a game but people who use their brains. Was it a bit harder ? Yes it was.