Comp FFA is broken !

in a comp FFA match i had12 kills and 13 deaths sitting at 5th, just like the tracer in 4th spot.
but because we have the same kills and deaths, assists should be the diffrence maker right? well its not. Im in 5th spot having 14 assists and the tracer having 9 assists sitting at 4th spot.

How does this system work exactly? not to mention the final blow system itself in ffa is broken af but at least make the system work.

btw i have the image of the leaderboard but i cant post links for some reasonThis text will be hidden

It’s a First past the post ranking system.
If 2 playes have the same score, the one who reached it first will have the higher ranking.

Assists and deaths doesn’t matter here; only the time when you reached the score.

If 2 playes have the same score, the one who reached it first will have the higher ranking.